Imageflow.NET is a .NET API for Imageflow, the fast image optimization and processing library for web servers. Imageflow focuses on security, quality, and performance - in that order. Imageflow.NET is a .NET Standard 2.0 library, and as such is compatible with .NET 4.6.1+, .NET Core 2.0+, and .NET 5.
dotnet add package Imageflow.AllPlatforms
PM> Install-Package Imageflow.Net
PM> Install-Package -pre
PM> Install-Package -pre
PM> Install-Package Imageflow.NativeRuntime.osx-x86_64 -pre
PM> Install-Package Imageflow.NativeRuntime.ubuntu_16_04-x86_64 -pre
Note: On .NET 4.x you must install the appropriate NativeRuntime(s) in the project you are deploying - they have to copy imageflow.dll to the output folder. They are not copied transitively.
Also note: Older versions of Windows may not have the C Runtime installed (Install 32-bit or 64-bit).
- Imageflow is dual licensed under a commercial license and the AGPLv3.
- Imageflow.NET is tri-licensed under a commercial license, the AGPLv3, and the Apache 2 license.
- Imageflow.NET Server is dual licensed under a commercial license and the AGPLv3.
- We offer commercial licenses at
- Imageflow.NET's Apache 2 license allows for integration with non-copyleft products, as long as jobs are not actually executed (since the AGPLv3/commercial license is needed when libimageflow is linked at runtime). This can allow end-users to benefit from optional imageflow integration in products.
using Imageflow.Fluent;
public async void TestGetImageInfo()
var imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(
var info = await ImageJob.GetImageInfo(new BytesSource(imageBytes));
Assert.Equal(info.ImageWidth, 1);
Assert.Equal(info.ImageHeight, 1);
Assert.Equal(info.PreferredExtension, "png");
Assert.Equal(info.PreferredMimeType, "image/png");
using Imageflow.Fluent;
public async Task TestAllJob()
var imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(
using (var b = new ImageJob())
var r = await b.Decode(imageBytes)
.CropWhitespace(80, 0.5f)
.Distort(30, 20)
.Region(-5,-5,10,10, AnyColor.Black)
.RegionPercent(-10f, -10f, 110f, 110f, AnyColor.Transparent)
.FillRectangle(2,2,8,8, AnyColor.Black)
.ConstrainWithin(5, 5)
.Watermark(new BytesSource(imageBytes),
new WatermarkOptions()
new WatermarkMargins(WatermarkAlign.Image, 1,1,1,1),
new ConstraintGravity(90,90))
.SetHints(new ResampleHints().SetSharpen(15f, SharpenWhen.Always))
.EncodeToBytes(new MozJpegEncoder(80,true))
Assert.Equal(5, r.First.Width);
using Imageflow.Fluent;
public async Task TestMultipleOutputs()
using (var b = new ImageJob())
var r = await b.Decode(imageBytes).
Constrain(new Constraint(ConstraintMode.Fit, 160, 120))
.Branch(f => f.ConstrainWithin(80, 60).EncodeToBytes(new WebPLosslessEncoder()))
.Branch(f => f.ConstrainWithin(40, 30).EncodeToBytes(new WebPLossyEncoder(50)))
.EncodeToBytes(new LodePngEncoder())
Assert.Equal(60, r.TryGet(1).Width);
Assert.Equal(30, r.TryGet(2).Width);
Assert.Equal(120, r.TryGet(3).Width);
Edit images using a command string
using Imageflow.Fluent;
public async Task TestBuildCommandString()
var imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(
// We wrap the job in a using() statement to free memory faster
using (var b = new ImageJob())
var r = await b.BuildCommandString(
new BytesSource(imageBytes), // or new StreamSource(Stream stream, bool disposeStream)
new BytesDestination(), // or new StreamDestination
Assert.Equal(3, r.First.Width);
Assert.Equal("webp", r.First.PreferredExtension);