Data Science Dojo
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Level Intermediate
Recommended Use: Classification Models
Domain: Energy/Buildings
This intermediate level data set has 20560 rows and 7 attributes which are divided into 3 data sets for training and testing. The data set provides experimental data used for binary classification (room occupancy of an office room) from Temperature, Humidity, Light and CO2. Ground-truth occupancy was obtained from time stamped pictures that were taken every minute. This data set is recommended for learning and practicing your skills in exploratory data analysis, data visualization, and classification modelling techniques. Feel free to explore the data set with multiple supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. The Following data dictionary gives more details on this data set:
Column Position | Atrribute Name | Definition | Data Type | Example | % Null Ratios |
1 | Date | Date & time in year-month-day hour:minute:second format | Qualitative | 2/4/2015 17:57, 2/4/2015 17:55, 2/4/2015 18:06 | 0 |
2 | Temperature | Temperature in degree Celcius | Quantitative | 23.150, 23.075, 22.890 | 0 |
3 | Humidity | Relative humidity in percentage | Quantitative | 27.272000, 27.200000, 27.390000 | 0 |
4 | Light | Illuminance measurement in unit Lux | Quantitative | 426.0, 419.0, 0.0 | 0 |
5 | CO2 | CO2 in parts per million (ppm) | Quantitative | 489.666667, 495.500000, 534.500000 | 0 |
6 | HumidityRatio | Humadity ratio: Derived quantity from temperature and relative humidity, in kgwater-vapor/kg-air | Quantitative | 0.004986, 0.005088, 0.005203 | 0 |
7 | Occupancy | Occupied or not: 1 for occupied and 0 for not occupied | Quantitative | 1, 0 | 0 |
This data set has been sourced from the Machine Learning Repository of University of California, Irvine Occupancy Detection Data Set (UC Irvine). The UCI page mentions the following publication Accurate occupancy detection of an office room from light, temperature, humidity and CO2 measurements using statistical learning models. Luis M. Candanedo, Véronique Feldheim. Energy and Buildings. Volume 112, 15 January 2016, Pages 28-39 as the original source of the data set. # Occupancy-Detection