JavaScript library for checking and validating HTML forms. If any of the fields in the form incorrectly filled, submit buttons will be disabled.
- Examples
- Installation
- Usage
- Addition checkers to DOM element
- Default checkers
- Regular Expressions
- Addition own checkers
- Using CSS
- Using Tooltips
- Contribution
Watch examples here
You can download library directly from GitHub. Alternatively, you can use npm or bower:
$ npm install requorm.js
$ bower install requorm.js
First of all, include requorm.js
(or minified requorm.min.js
) to your HTML file:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="requorm.css">
<script src="requorm.js"></script>
Create any form with some class name:
<form class="myform">
<input type="text" placeholder="Name">
<input type="text" placeholder="Email">
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Submit">
Init library, init default checkers and(or) add own checkers and apply to our form with class name "myform":
var r = new requorm()
// Here we can add own checkers
// Here we can add own tooltips
// After all we can call "apply" method
Library use attribure checkers
for following tags:
For example:
<input type="text" checkers="notEmpty">
If the attribute is not specified, element will be ignored. One element can have multiple checkers:
<input type="text" checkers="notEmpty; email()">
Checkers in attribute are separated by semicolon. If checker recieve any const arguments, you can point them like this:
<input type="text" checkers="minLength(8); maxLength(32);">
<input type="text" checkers="length(8, 32)">
<input type="text" checkers="equal(abacaba)">
Note, that list of arguments 10, 1.0f, true, abc abc
will be parsed as array of strings: ["10", "1.0f", "true", "abc abc"]
You can change used attribute by passing new attribute value to constructor:
var r = new requorm('same-attribute');
- notEmpty - check, that field has any input
- minLength(min) - check, that field input has length greater or equal to
- maxLength(max) - check, that field input has length less or equal to
- equal(input) - check, that field input is equal to
- alpha - check, that field input has only alphabetic characters
- numeric - check, that field input has only numeric characters
- email - check, that field input has valid e-mail form
- len(min, max) - check, that field input has length between
- alphanum - check, that field input has only alphabetic and numeric characters
Also you can use regular expressions instead checkers. Just put your regexp between slashes:
<input type="text" checkers="/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/">
For creating new checker, call requorm.addChecker(name, func)
, where name
is name of checker and func
is function, that take DOM element and array of arguments and return true|false
. Following code create new checker with name equal
var r = new requorm()
r.addChecker("equal", function(element, args) {
return (args.length > 0) && (element.value == args[0])
After it you can use checker in html:
<input type="text" checkers="equal(abacaba)">
If you want to mark invalid and valid fields visually, use in your CSS file following selectors:
You can change.invalid-input .valid-input
to your CSS classes:
var r = new requorm('checkers', 'validField', 'invalidField');
You can use tooltips for invalid fields. First of all, include all necessary jQuery and Bootstrap files. After it include plugin Bootstrap Tooltips
. Tell the library that you want to use tooltips:
var r = new requorm();
r.setTooltipUsing(true); // By default this flag set to false
Note: Call setTooltipUsing
always before apply
, otherwise there is no effect!
You can include all necessary files by this snippet (I use it in my examples):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
By default tooltip message looks like:
[CheckerName 1 that throw error]
[CheckerName 2 that throw error]
[CheckerName N that throw error]
You can make it looks better by using function setTooltip (checkerName, tooltipMessage)
Note: Call setTooltip
always before apply
, otherwise there is no effect!
After execution this code:
var r = new requorm();
r.setTooltip("email", "Value is not valid email!");
our tooltip for checker email
will be look like [Value is not valid email!]
- More checkers
- Unit tests
- Documentation
- Pretty argument parser
- Your ideas?
If you do have a contribution for the package feel free to put up a Pull Request or open Issue.