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Daniel Compton edited this page Nov 6, 2016 · 31 revisions

Testing the Compiler Infrastructure

lein test

Will run the tests for the analyzer, compiler, and closure components.

Testing JavaScript Engines

How to setup the the four important JavaScript runtimes.

Google V8

Checkout the V8 project. Following the build instructions here

Set the V8_HOME environment variable to the path where d8 lives.

export V8_HOME="$HOME/v8/out/native"


Get the jsshell from here Set your SPIDERMONKEY_HOME environment variable.


On OS X download a WebKit nightly and put it in your Applications folder. Update your shell profile to include the following:


NOTE: Sub in the correct OSX version if you're not running 10.10

Alternatively, there is a system version of JSC installed at /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Resources. You can include it on your path with



Setup the $NASHORN_HOME environment variable so that


prompts a JavaScript Console. Nashorn is usually under $JAVA_HOME/bin, so you can write:


Setting up dependencies


Running the tests


Running bootstrapped ClojureScript tests

If you have Node.js installed, you can run the bootstrapped ClojureScript test suite (located at src/test/self/self_host/test.cljs):


You can also build and run the ClojureScript compiler test suite in bootstrapped mode within Node.js by running


Don't forget

Besides the tests it's important to make sure that the Browser REPL hasn't accidentally been broken. Double-check using the sample found in the repository.

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