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ClojureScript now ships with a port of clojure.test in the form of cljs.test. It attempts to preserve most of the functionality provided by clojure.test along with enhancements for asynchronous testing in a single threaded environment.

Most of the functionality is provided via macros as cljs.test relies on compiler reflection and static vars to provide most of its functionality.

For example your testing ns form will probably look something like the following:

(ns my-project.tests
  (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]))

Writing Tests

You can write tests with cljs.test/deftest and cljs.test/is same as with clojure.test.

For example here is a trivial test with one assertion:

(deftest test-numbers
  (is (= 1 1)))

Running Tests

You can run tests by using the cljs.test/run-tests macro. This may be done in your REPL or at the end of your file. If you have many test namespaces it's idiomatic to create a test runner namespace which imports all of your test namespaces and then invokes run-tests.

You may have to add (enable-console-print!) before calling run-tests


You can declare fixtures with the cljs.test/use-fixtures macro. You can declare either :once fixtures or :each fixtures. :once fixtures are run only around all tests within a namespace. :each fixtures are run around each test. Unlike clojure.test fixtures are split into two parts :before and :after. This is so that fixtures will work correctly even when used asynchronously.

(use-fixtures :once
  {:before (fn [] ...)
   :after  (fn [] ...)})

Async Testing

As client-side code tends to be highly asynchronous and JavaScript is single-threaded, it's important that cljs.test provide asynchronous testing support. You can use the cljs.test/async macro to create an asynchronous block. If you write an asynchronous test the last value you return must be the async block.

(deftest test-async
  (async done
    (http/get ""
      (fn [res]
        (is (= res :awesome))

done is a function that you may invoke when you are ready to relinquish control and allow the next test to run. done can be called anything, but it probably makes sense to keep to the convention. All of your testing code must be in the async block. If you launch multiple asychronous processes in your async block you will need to coordinate them. This is a good reason to use cljs.core.async:

(deftest test-async
  (let [url0 ""
        url1 ""
        res0 (http/get url0)
        res1 (http/get url1)]
    (async done
        (is (= (<! res0) :awesome))
        (is (= (<! res1) :cool))

NOTE: You cannot have more than one async test per deftest form or only the first one will run.


(deftest test-async
  (testing "the API is awesome" ; <-- only this test will run
    (let [url ""
          res (http/get url)]
      (async done
          (is (= (<! res) :awesome))
  (testing "the API is cool"
    (let [url ""
          res (http/get url)]
      (async done
          (is (= (<! res1) :cool))


(deftest test-async-awesome
  (testing "the API is awesome"
    (let [url ""
          res (http/get url)]
      (async done
          (is (= (<! res) :awesome))
(deftest test-async-cool
  (testing "the API is cool"
    (let [url ""
          res (http/get url)]
      (async done
          (is (= (<! res1) :cool))

Async Fixtures

Often establishing your testing environment means you need your fixtures to be asynchronous too. This is easily accomplished:

(use-fixtures :once
   #(async done
   #(do ...)})

In this case :before will need to complete before any test can run. :after will complete immediately after all tests have run since it does not use an async block.

Detecting Test Completion & Success

Often it's useful to be able to run some code after all tests have completed successfully (or unsuccessfully). Because tests may run async cljs.test/run-tests does not return a meaningful value. You can however add a test report event listener by adding a method to the cljs.test/report multimethod.

(defmethod cljs.test/report [:cljs.test/default :end-run-tests] [m]
  (if (cljs.test/successful? m)
    (println "Success!")
    (println "FAIL")))
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