Authors: Dan Ostrovsky, Thomas Gladdines
When a relying party wants to avoid going through the signer and user approval for each individual call, it can use the icrc34_delegation method described below.
This method generates a delegation chain, an object with a stable identifier, allowing the relying party to independently sign transactions on behalf of the user. This also means the signer does not need to stay connected to the signer to make calls on behalf of the user.
The delegation chain's stable identifier can be either:
- Account Delegation: an identity that has restricted access to the signers identity, such that it is stable across many relying parties but cannot be used to operate on tradable assets and shared infrastructure.
- Relying Party Delegation: an identity created exclusively for the relying party (Relying Party Delegation).
Relying Party Delegations MUST be for identities exclusive to each individual relying party. This property MUST be enforced by the signer. Signers MAY give users the choice to authenticate with their relying party specific identifier instead of accounts (if available).
If a relying party wants to receive an Account Delegation, the icrc34_delegation
request MUST include canisters it
controls as targets
where each canister MUST implement the icrc28_trusted_origins
endpoint as per the
ICRC-28 standard.
Relying parties must not include targets
in the request if they want to be guaranteed to receive a Relying Party delegation.
- Single identifier for the user that is the same for all relying parties and shared infrastructure, which leads to the following benefits:
- application specific user data can be directly tied to the users global identity without the need for a mapping to an application specific identifier
- easier integration and composition of applications that handle user data
Note: Using the same identifier globally may be detrimental to privacy as user activity can be tracked across applications.
- Differentiate between calls made with user approval (Account identifier) and without user approval (Relying Party Delegation identifier), allowing for fine grained security levels per identifier.
- Exclusive identifier within the Relying Party platform to stay isolated from identifiers of other Relying Party platforms. Depending on the signer implementation, this may offer privacy benefits.
Note: Using exclusive identifiers within the Relying Party platform may be detrimental to data portability, dapp integration, and composition of applications as user data can not be easily queried across the ecosystem of dapps and services.
Name: icrc34_delegation
Prerequisite: Granted permission scope icrc34_delegation
Scope (according to the ICRC-25 standard)
Scope: icrc34_delegation
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "icrc25_request_permissions",
"params": {
"scopes": [
"method": "icrc34_delegation"
An ICRC-25 compliant signer must implement the icrc25_supported_standards method which returns the list of supported standards. Any signer implementing ICRC-34 must include a record with the name field equal to "ICRC-34" in that list.
): A DER encoded public key of a supported signature scheme, as described here.targets
optional): A list of target canister ids (textual representation) Account Delegations can execute transactions for on behalf of the user.maxTimeToLive
optional): Expiration of the delegation in nanoseconds, though signer can still choose to return a delegation with a shorter expiration.
Requests for a delegation can optionally include targets
, enabling signers to verify the security of returning an Account
Delegation (via ICRC-28). If the array of targets
is set to an empty array, signers SHOULD only offer users the option to connect
with a Relying Party Delegation.
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "icrc34_delegation",
"params": {
"targets": [
"maxTimeToLive": "28800000000000"
: Public key of delegation identity as described in
the IC interface specification, signatures section.
: An array of delegations (as defined by
the IC interface specification, authentication section):
): Map with fieldspubkey
): Public key as described in the IC interface specification, signatures section.expiration
): Expiration of the delegation, in nanoseconds since 1970-01-01, as a base-10 string.targets
array): A list of target canister ids (textual representation) an Account Delegation is restricted to making canister calls to. If the list is not present, the delegation is a Relying Party delegation that applies to all canisters (i.e. it is not restricted).
): Signature on the 32-byte representation-independent hash of the map contained in thedelegation
field as described in IC interface specification, signatures section, using the 27 bytes\x1Aic-request-auth-delegation
as the domain separator.
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"publicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEvHD28SXwRW2i6bgiqmel2fDV7/CDNyxkMwGh8BvmTVI+5DBSBMHJeyFZwbJEyj8Pc7rJv6XWOW+x4lsdEI4bdg==",
"signerDelegation": [
"delegation": {
"expiration": "1702683438614940079",
"targets": [
"signature": "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"
- The relying party sends a
request to the signer. - Upon receiving the request, the signer validates whether it can process the message.
- If the relying party has been denied the permission to invoke the method,
the signer sends a response with an error back to the relying party.
If the permission state is
, the signer must prompt the user to either accept or deny this invocation. See permission states for more details.
- If the relying party has been denied the permission to invoke the method,
the signer sends a response with an error back to the relying party.
If the permission state is
- If the request includes targets, the signer MAY offer issuing an account delegation. If it does, it MUST retrieve and verify the trusted origins according to the ICRC-28 specification.
- If the trusted origins cannot be retrieved for any of the given delegations targets or the relying party origin is not within any of the trusted origin lists, the signer does not give users the ability to continue with the Account Delegation.
- The signer MAY display all the available delegations the user can continue with, in which case a user would select one.
- The signer returns the signed delegation to the relying party.
participant RP as Relying Party
participant S as Signer
participant C as Target Canister
RP ->> S: Request delegation
alt Relying party has not been granted <br>the `icrc34_delegation` permission scope
S ->> RP: Error response: Permission not granted (3000)
else Requests includes targets and signer supports account delegations
loop For every target canister
Note over S, C: Interactions follow ICRC-28 standard
S ->> C: Get trusted origins / supported standards
C ->> S: Trusted origins / supported standards
S ->> S: Verify trusted origins / supported standards
alt Origin is trusted by all target canisters
Note over RP, S: Signer allows Account Delegation<br>or Relying Party Delegation selection
S ->> RP: Signed delegation (Account or RP)
else Origin is not trusted by all target canisters
Note over RP, S: Signer allows only Relying Party Delegation selection
S ->> RP: Signed Relying Party Delegation
else Request excludes targets
Note over RP, S: Signer allows only Relying Party Delegation selection
S ->> RP: Signed Relying Party Delegation
This standard does not define additional errors. See ICRC-25 for a list of errors that can be returned by all methods.