The distillation API is very flexible and covers a wide varietry of use cases. User can easily customize the distillation behavior by passing parameters to the distill
def distill(
model: Any,
featurizer: Optional[Featurizer],
working_dir: Path,
clean: bool = False,
tuner: ModelTuner = AutoKerasTuner(),
reference_smiles_dm: Optional[ReferenceSmilesDM] = None,
featurized_smiles_dm: Optional[FeaturizedSmilesDM] = None,
generic_output_dm: Optional[GenericOutputDM] = Nonei,
test: bool = False,
num_data: int = 1999380,
) -> pl.LightningModule:
"""Distill models.
model (Any): Teacher Model.
featurizer (Optional[Featurizer]): Featurizer to use.
working_dir (Path): Path to model workspace directory.
clean (bool): Clean workspace before starting.
tuner (ModelTuner): Tuner to use for selecting and optimizing student model.
reference_smiles_dm (Optional[ReferenceSmilesDM]): Reference SMILES datamodules.
featurized_smiles_dm (Optional[FeaturizedSmilesDM]): Reference Featurized SMILES datamodules.
generic_output_dm (Optional[GenericOutputDM]): Precalculated training dataset for student model.
test (bool): Run a test distillation on a smaller fraction of the dataset.
num_data: (int) : Set the number of ChEMBL training points to use (up to 1999380)
pl.LightningModule: Student Model.
This will skip generating a featurized input dataset and use the provided one.
from olinda import distill
from import ReferenceSmilesDM
# Wrap your dataset in a datamodule class from pytorch lightning
# or use the provided `ReferenceSmilesDM` class
custom_reference_dm = ReferenceSmilesDM()
student_model = distill(your_model, reference_smiles_dm=custom_reference_dm)
from olinda import distill
from olinda.featurizer import Featurizer, MorganFeaturizer
# Implement your own featurizer by inheriting the `Featurizer` abstract class
# or use one of the provided Featurizers (see below for more info)
student_model = distill(your_model, featurizer=MorganFeaturizer())
This will skip generating a featurized input dataset and use the provided one.
from olinda import distill
from import FeaturizedSmilesDM
# Wrap your dataset in a datamodule class from pytorch lightning
# or use the provided `FeaturizedSmilesDM` class
custom_reference_dm = FeaturizedSmilesDM()
student_model = distill(your_model, featurized_smiles_dm=custom_reference_dm)
This will skip generating a student model training dataset and use the provided one.
from olinda import distill
from import GenericOutputDM
# Wrap your dataset in a datamodule class from pytorch lightning
# or use the provided `GenericOutputDM` class
custom_student_training_dm = GenericOutputDM()
student_model = distill(your_model, generic_output_dm=custom_student_training_dm)
Olinda provides multiple Tuners out of the box. Custom tuners can also be implemented using the ModelTuner
interface. See below for more information
from olinda import distill
from olinda.tuner import KerasTuner
student_model = distill(your_model, tuner=KerasTuner())
Currently we support only one Featurizer class, MorganFeaturizer. This featurizer converts SMILES strings into Morgan Fingerprints of 1024 bits and radius 3.
A related Featurizer is available but is no longer actively maintained for Olinda, which subsequently transforms each Morgan Fingerprint vector into a 32x32 grid using the Ersilia package Griddify.
We provide two Tuners for the student model training based on the fantastic Keras library:
- Autokeras
- KerasTuner