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Flask Community Workgroup

Setup Instructions

1. Fork the Repository

2. Clone Your Fork

  • Clone your fork to your local machine:
    git clone{username}/

3. Set Up Upstream Remote

  • Add the original repository as an upstream remote:
    git remote add upstream

4. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment

  • Linux/Mac:

    python -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
  • Windows:

    py -m venv env
    env\Scripts\activate.bat  # For Command Prompt
    # Or for Bash:
    source env/Scripts/activate

5. Install Dependencies

  • Install the required dependencies:
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Build the HTML Content

  • Run the script to generate the HTML content:

7. Serve the Site

  • Serve the site locally:
    cd docs
  • Access the site at the IP address displayed in the terminal.

8. View Template Changes

  • To apply changes made in the /templates directory:
    • Re-run python in a separate terminal.
    • Refresh the browser to see the updates.

Production Workflow

Pull requests are merged into the source branch, which is automatically deployed to the gh-pages branch.

How to Add a New Page

In the file, under the generate function, add another generate call, for example:

def main(args):
    def gen():
        generate('index.html', join(settings.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'index.html'), **context)
        generate('source_file.html', join(settings.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_file.html'), **context)

Like this:

def main(args):
    def gen():
        generate('index.html', join(settings.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'index.html'), **context)
        generate('source_file.html', join(settings.OUTPUT_FOLDER, 'output_file.html'), **context)

Where source_file.html is the name of the file located in templates/ and output_file.html is the output file which will be located in docs/.

What is the techstack behind?

jamstack: Generate pages using Jinja templates.

flask + livereload: If you want to auto regenerate files without executing

Data Formats


In info.json, a profile looks like this

    "name": "Grey Li",
    "bio": [],
    "volunteer": {
            "lang": "chinese",
            "coordinator": "y"
        "event": {},
        "code": {},
        "education": {}
        "twitter": ""
    "retired": "n"

name: Member full name.

volunteer: Looks for four optional keys: translation, event, code, education. For translation, you have lang and coordinator, the latter being optional.

bio: The bio is generated such that '' are converted into <br\>. a bio would look like this:

"bio": [
    "Line iwue hfowherf  oewrhfje.",
    "woihfjerewoi tgfreh  eroh gfrehre greh g.",
    "", "",
    "Some more lines"],

retired: If someone is active or not.

Links are generated as links with text as the key and link as the value.

Blog post

A blog post occurs in the format:

title:   Demo blog post
summary: A demo post
authors: jugmac00
date:    May 19, 2021
slug: demo-blog-post

This is the first paragraph of the document.

def x():

And hence [link demo](

All meta keys are mandatory but summary can be kept empty.

Inside of data/blog create a folder with the category you want. In add it:


For authors, the author must occur in profiles.


    "name": "Flask-Dance",
    "link": "",
    "info": ["Doing the OAuth dance with style using Flask, requests, and oauthlib."],
    "tags": ["auth", "oauth"]


In data/faq, create a .md file with whatever name you want .md

The content should look like this:

title:   Demo faq question
tags: demo
slug: demo-faq-question

This is the first paragraph of the document.

def x():

And hence [link demo](

FlaskCWG Manager

With this tool you can create, edit and delete blog/faq posts, just execute python