NOTE: The code in this repository does not currently match that found on We are in the process of merging two similar projects and will update the website once the merge is complete.
jStat - JavaScript Statistical Library
In order to build jStat, you need to have GNU make 3.8 or later, Node.js 0.2 or later, and git 1.7 or later. (Earlier versions might work OK, but are not tested.)
Windows users have two options:
- Install msysgit (Full installer for official Git), GNU make for Windows, and a binary version of Node.js. Make sure all three packages are installed to the same location (by default, this is C:\Program Files\Git).
- Install Cygwin (make sure you install the git, make, and which packages), then either follow the Node.js build instructions or install the binary version of Node.js.
Mac OS users should install Xcode (comes on your Mac OS install DVD, or downloadable from
Apple's Xcode site) and Once Homebrew is installed, run brew install git
to install git,
and brew install node
to install Node.js.
Linux/BSD users should use their appropriate package managers to install make, git, and node, or build from source if you swing that way.
First, clone a copy of the jStat git repo by running git clone git://
Then, to get a complete, minified, jslinted version of jStat, simply cd
to the jstat
directory and type
. If you don't have Node installed and/or want to make a basic, uncompressed, unlinted version of jstat, use
make jstat
instead of make
The built version of jStat will be put in the dist/
To remove all built files, run make clean
If you want to build jStat to a directory that is different from the default location, you can specify the PREFIX
directory: make PREFIX=/home/jstat/test/ [command]
With this example, the output files would end up in /home/jstat/test/dist/