Sugar is a programming language I created a while back. Its object oriented, written in c#, (will) compiles to CIL.
, Primitives
, Arrays
, Functions
, Output and Input
, Generics
, Constructors
, Indexers
, Ternary
, Casting
, Conditions (if, switch)
, Loops (for, while, do while, foreach)
, User Defined Data Types
, Properties
, Exceptions
, Import
, Describers
Operator and Cast Overloading
, Extension Methods
Note: At the current stage "implemented" means they are parsed successfully.
//general format for variable creation
Type: name;
int: x;//declaration
int: x = 10;//initialisation
int: x = 10, y = 20;//multiple initialisations for the same type
x = 100;//assignment
int: x = 3.14 as int;//casting achieved through 'as'
int: x = true ? 1 : 3;
string: name = input("whats you're name");//input method handles input, string parameter optional
print("hi " + name + "!");//print statement handles output, requires 1 parameter
//general format
Type Name(Type1: parameter1, /*...*/)
void Greet()
Greet();//function call
class Name
//sugar supports classes, enums, interfaces and structs. Declaring any of the previous 3 requires swapping out class for their respective keywords.