Releases: microsoft/azure-tools-for-java
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.56.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Support proxy with credential(username, password)
- Add
link for SDK libs on Azure SDK reference book
- Fix the high failure rate problem for SSH into Linux Webapp operation
- List all local-installed function core tools for function core tools path setting
- Synchronize status on storage account in different views
- Synchronize status on Azure Database for MySQL in different views
- Synchronize status on SQL Server in different views
- Redesign the creation UI of storage account
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2021.1, 2021.2]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2021.1, 2021.2]
Azure Toolkit for eclipse 3.27.0 is available in the Marketplace.
Change Notes
- Support Eclipse 2021-06
Embedded Libraries
In this release, the following libraries are embedded.
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.55.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- New Azure Resource Connector explorer for connection management
- List all resource connections connected to project
- Create new connections between Azure resources and module in project
- Edit/Delete existing connections
- Navigate to resource properties view of an existing connection
- Support native proxy settings in IntelliJ
- Add unified
Open In Portal
support for Web App/VM/Resource Group in Azure explorer
- Enhance toolkit setting panel with more configuration
- Enhance resource loading performance in Azure explorer
- Support turn off Azure SDK deprecation notification
- Support create Azure Spring Cloud app in Azure explorer
- Update Azure icons to new style
- #5439 Fix project already disposed exception while loading azure sdk reference book meta data
- PR#5437 Fix exception while edit json in service principal dialog
- PR#5476 Fix url render issue for toolkit notification
- PR#5535 Fix evaluate effective pom will break app service/spring cloud deployment
- PR#5563 Fix exception: type HTTP is not compatible with address null
- PR#5579 Fix reporting error in azure explorer before sign in
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
Azure Toolkit for eclipse 3.26.0 is available in the Marketplace.
Change Notes
- Add support for JBoss runtime and PremiumV3 pricing tiers #5414
- Update tomcat base image for docker run #5414
- Remove create service principals in sign-in window #5339
- Migrate to new Azure icons #5450
- Fix accessibility related issues
Embedded Libraries
In this release, the following libraries are embedded.
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.53.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Management workflow for Azure SQL Server
- New login ui for service principal authentication
- Deprecated file based service principal authentication
- PR #5228 Fix OAuth/Device login could not be cancelled
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.52.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Support OAuth for authentication
- Add support for management/client sdk in Azure SDK reference book
- Improve UI for azure service connector
- #5121 Fix project disposed exception for workspace tagging
- PR #5163 Fix enable local access may not work for Azure MySQL
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.51.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Add support for IntelliJ 2021.1
- Add Azure SDK reference book for spring
- Improve resource list performance with cache and preload
- Update Azure related run configuration icons
- Continue with warning for multi-tenant issues while getting subscriptions
- Remove preview label for function and spring cloud
- #5008 IndexOutOfBoundsException while create MySQL connection
- PR #4987 InvalidParameterException occurs when close a streaming log
- PR #4987 Failed when select file to deploy to Azure Web App
- PR #4998 Fix IDEA203 regression of Spark failure debug in local
- PR #5006 Fix NPE of exploring ADLS Gen2 FS in Spark job conf
- PR #5009 Fix bundle build JCEF issue
- PR #5014 Failed to create MySQL instance as resource provider is not registered
- PR #5055 Can't deploy to Azure Web App when there is "Connect Azure Resource" in before launch
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.3, 2021.1]
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.50.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Development workflow for Azure Database for MySQL
- Connect Azure Database for MySQL Server to local project from Azure Explorer or file
- Automatically inject datasource connection properties into runtime environment for local run
- Publish Azure Web App with datasource connection properties in application settings
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.2, 2020.3]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.2, 2020.3]
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.48.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Update icons in Azure toolkits
- Update Tomcat base images
- Using non-blocking UI to replace blocking progress indicator
- Remove non-functional "cancel" buttons in foreground operations
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.2, 2020.3]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.2, 2020.3]
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA 3.47.0 is available in the Marketplace!
Change Notes
- Add Azure Database for MySQL support in Azure Toolkits
- Manage Azure Database for MySQL instance (create/start/stop/restart/configure/show properties)
- Configure Azure Database for MySQL to allow access it from azure services and local PC
- Show sample of JDBC connection strings on Azure Database for MySQL
- Open and connect to Azure Database for MySQL server by Intellij database tools
- Add Stacktrace filter in Spark console
- Enable speed search in subscription table
- Enable speed search in Azure explorer tree
- Upgrade Azure Blob batch SDK to 12.7.0
- Enhance App Service file explorer in Azure explorer
- #4801 Spark tools library serializer potential issues
- #4808 Fixes unable to attach function host while running functions
- #4814 Spark livy console staring being blocked by artifacts uploading failure
- #4823 Compiling warnings of ConfigurationFactory.getId being deprecated
- #4827 Fix HDInsight cluster can't link non-cluster-default Azure Blob storage account issue
- #4829 UI hang issue with changing Spark Synapse run configuration ADLS Gen2 storage key settings
Supported Platforms
The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA supports the following IDEs:
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, version [2020.2, 2020.3]
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, version [2020.2, 2020.3]