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Matheus Souza matheusviegas

Dootax Amaral Ferrador - RS

Full Stack Web Application developer, specialising in Javascript, PHP & Python based technologies.
Julien BIANCHI jubianchi Lyon, France

VM saidatta
Creator at heart. Developer at work.
Hao ilovejs
0 headache approach Write code IN [go, python, js] Domain knownledge IN [oauth, crypto, jose]
Marius Helf mhelf

Frankfurt, Germany

Blaze geekwolverine
Full stack developer. Passionate about coding and curious to learn new technologies.
Andrew Curioso andrewcurioso
Software engineer and author.

@Curioso-Industries Nashua, NH

Nikhil Chacko nikhil-chacko
Web Developer | MERN Stack | Python | C++
Lukas LukvonStrom
⛅-Architect, FullStack Developer, DevOps Wizard --- Code etc. is my own and does not represent my employer, unless stated.


Art A. Art9681
Automate all the things!