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Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Ivan Markin unkaktus
Pondering numerical relativity

Potsdam University Berlin

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Florian Wetzel CommanderRedYT
Application developer writing UIs at day and open source projects at night. Familiar with TypeScript, Python, C++ and Linux! Maintainer for @OpenDTU-App


Tech entrepreneur

Life Somewhere over the rainbow...

Bertrand C bcheronn
IT craftsman and data molder, trainer and coach flying/skiing/sailing/riding/driving/cycling across three borders (FR, CH and DE)

Regio TriRhena

Hugo Melder hmelder
Computer Science @ Technical University of Munich (TUM)

@algoriddim Munich, Germany

Robin Cheung, MBA rebots-online
"Jacks of all trades lack depth across polymathic breadth, mastering none. I specialize in synthesizing unique insights from depths across many domains."

Mining My Own Business Toronto, Canada

Nathan Dane avrovulcanxh607
Writes bad code to do weird things, like a Ceefax replica and other misc teletext stuff

@nmsni Northern Ireland

Coding as a hobby. Coding at @Jugendhackt


TheHorrorOfEmbrodery Maschiene Embrodery neerd
Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Khauta Maliehe khauta
Normal Software Engineer, Cyber Security Enthusiast

Maseru, Lesotho

Guillaume Pellerin yomguy
Researcher & engineer in audio, acoustics, data mining, web platforms, streaming, open source and commons for music and knowledge. Music producer. ex-IRCAM

Parisson Paris, France

tippfehlr tippfehlr
a student from Germany. I like many things, but especially computers and music.




Abdul Wahab the-realwahab
I am currently an Undergraduate Computer Science Student at NUML–Islamabad, Pakistan.

Islamabad, Pakistan

Richard Marshall ApacheAde
Read Hat Hacker

RAM Transcreation Services Ltd UK

MagicLike MagicLike
I'm a Games 🎮, Tech 🤖 and Coding nerd 🤓. I like Open Source, web development, debloating, secure communication 🔐, etc....

@LinkStackOrg @openandroidinstaller-dev


Berlin, Germany

Juan PotterSys

PS Labs Santiago, Chile

Fabian Schneider fabianswebworld

Südwestrundfunk (SWR) Mainz, Germany

Irony? k1llerk3ks
Working with Linux and Python most of the time. DevOps and Cloudstuff is pretty nice


Julian das-kaesebrot
Software dev, uni student


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Simpel (Zelck) SimpelMe


Ondrej Sika ondrejsika
Software, DevOps & SRE Engineer, Architect, Consultant and Lecturer 🇬🇧🇩🇪🇨🇿

@sikalabs, ex @braiins @slushpool Prague, Czech Republic