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Query Engine Test Kit - A Full Guide

The test kit is focused on integration testing the query engine through request-response assertions.

Test organization

The test kit is a combination of three crates, from which two are "lower level" crates that are only required to make it work, whereas only one is important if you only want to author tests.

           β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”‚ query-engine-tests │───┐
           β”‚   β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜   β”‚
           β–Ό                            β–Ό
β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”       β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
β”‚ query-test-macros  β”‚       β”‚ query-tests-setup  β”‚
β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜       β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜


The actual integration tests can be found in the query-engine-tests crate, specifically the tests/ folder. The src/ folder contains general utilities like time rendering, common schemas, string rendering, so everything that makes writing tests less painful.

Tests follow a mod tree like regular source files, with being the root. Ideally, the modules carry semantics on what is tested in the name and form coherent units that make it easy to spot and extend areas to test.


As the name implies, this crate contains the macro definitions used for the test suites (as shown later in this guide).


Contains the main bulk of logic to make tests run, which is mostly invisible to the tests:

  • Test configuration.
  • Connector tags that know the connection strings, capabilities of connectors, how to render data models.
  • Template parser of datamodels.
  • Runners that know how to make requests against a certain query backend (+ the results that allow the tests to make assertions).
  • Logging setup & error handling.

Running tests

Tests are executed in the context of one connector (with version) and runner. Some tests may only be specified to run for a subset of connectors or versions, in which case they will be skipped. Testing all connectors at once is not supported, however, for example, CI will run all the different connectors and versions concurrently in separate runs.


Tests must be configured to run There's a set of env vars that is always useful to have and an optional one. Always useful to have:

export WORKSPACE_ROOT=/path/to/engines/repository/root

Test run env vars:

export TEST_CONNECTOR="postgres" # One of the supported providers.
export TEST_CONNECTOR_VERSION="10" # One of the supported versions.

As previously stated, the above can be omitted in favor of the .test_config config file:

    "connector": "postgres",
    "version": "10"

The config file must be either in the current working folder from which you invoke a test run or in $WORKSPACE_ROOT. It's recommended to use the file-based config as it's easier to switch between providers with an open IDE (reloading env vars would usually require reloading the IDE). The workspace root makefile contains a series of convenience commands to setup different connector test configs, e.g. make dev-postgres10 sets up the correct test config file for the tests to pick up.

On the note of docker containers: Most connectors require an endpoint to run against (notable exception at the moment is SQLite), so you need to provide one. The docker-compose.yml in the workspace root offers all possible databases and versions we actively test. The aforementioned make commands also set up the container for you together with the .

If you choose to set up the databases yourself, please note that the connection strings used in the tests (found in the files in <repo_root>/query-engine/connector-test-kit-rs/query-tests-setup/src/connector_tag/) to set up user, password and database for the test user.


Note that by default tests run concurrently.

  • VSCode should automatically detect tests and display run test.
  • Use make test-qe (minimal log output) or make test-qe-verbose (all log output) in $WORKSPACE_ROOT.
  • cargo test in the query-engine-tests crate.
  • A single test can be tested with the normal cargo rust facilities from command line, e.g. cargo test --package query-engine-tests --test query_engine_tests --all-features -- queries::filters::where_unique::where_unique::no_unique_fields --exact --nocapture where queries::filters::where_unique::where_unique::no_unique_fields can be substituted for the path you want to test.
  • If you want to test a single relation test, define the RELATION_TEST_IDX env var with its index.

Running tests through driver adapters

The query engine is able to delegate query execution to javascript through driver adapters. This means that instead of drivers being implemented in Rust, it's a layer of adapters over NodeJs drivers the code that actually communicates with the databases. See adapter-* packages in prisma/prisma

To run tests through a driver adapters, you should also configure the following environment variables:

  • DRIVER_ADAPTER: tells the test executor to use a particular driver adapter. Set to neon, planetscale or any other supported adapter.
  • DRIVER_ADAPTER_CONFIG: a json string with the configuration for the driver adapter. This is adapter specific. See the GitHub workflow for driver adapter tests for examples on how to configure the driver adapters.
  • ENGINE: can be used to run either wasm or napi or c-abi version of the engine.


export EXTERNAL_TEST_EXECUTOR="$WORKSPACE_ROOT/query-engine/driver-adapters/executor/script/"
export DRIVER_ADAPTER=neon
export ENGINE=wasm
export DRIVER_ADAPTER_CONFIG ='{ "proxyUrl": "" }'

We have provided helpers to run the query-engine tests with driver adapters, these helpers set all the required environment variables for you:

DRIVER_ADAPTER=$adapter ENGINE=$engine make test-qe

Where $adapter is one of the supported adapters: neon, planetscale, libsql.

Authoring tests

The following is an example on how to write a new test suite, as extending or changing an existing one follows the same rules and considerations.

Find a suitable place for the module

For example if you choose tests/queries/filters/, you create the file and add the module to the filters/ The modules usually follow a tree structure that convey some sort of meaning on what is tested. If you're unsure ping Dom.

Decide on the test layout

Option 1:

use query_engine_tests::*;

mod some_spec {
    async fn my_test(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()> {
        // ...

Option 2:

use query_engine_tests::*;

async fn my_test(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()> {
    // ...

Note that regardless of the shape, connector_test tests must always have the signature of async fn test_name(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()>.

Option 1 uses a mod that can be used to define common attributes on all tests contained in the module. Option 2 doesn't use a mod and requires you to set more attributes per test (will be shown later). Option 1 produces a test like queries::filters::some_spec::some_spec::my_test and option 2 queries::filters::some_spec::my_test (note the double some_spec). Apart from the aesthetics in the naming, there are no other consequences for using option 1 over 2. You can also choose any mod name you wish, e.g. mod my_specs would produce queries::filters::some_spec::my_specs::my_test.

Why is this important? The macro attributes used above define all of the properties of the tests that are used to determine how and when they are run. The full attribute definitions are as follows:

    exclude(Connector(Version1, ...), Connector, ...),
    only(Connector(Version1, ...), Connector, ...),
    capabilities(Capability1, Capability2, ...)
    suite = "name", // Required (Optional if in a `test_suite` mod)
    schema(schema_handler), // Required either on the mod or on the test itself.
    exclude(Connector(Version1, ...), Connector, ...),
    only(Connector(Version1, ...), Connector, ...),
    capabilities(Capability1, Capability2, ...)

The definitions can have almost the same properties, and the used properties are identical in meaning, however connector_test depends on test_suite if both are present. The basic rule is: Everything that is set on test_suite is propagated to every connector_test in the module, except if it's already set on connector_test.

For example, if schema is set on test_suite, then all contained connector tests that do not have a schema property of their own implicitly have the schema attribute set. There are two special cases in that rule:

  • suite: No explicit suite = "..." is required on test_suite, as every connector_test in a test_suite has the name of the mod (eg. "some_spec" for mod some_spec) set (again, only if not suite = "..." is set already).
  • only and exclude are mutually exclusive (more details below), which means that if one of the two is set on connector_test already, the other will not implicitly propagate to connector_test from test_suite:
mod some_spec {
    // Will run for everything except SQL Server 2017. The `only` of `test_suite` is not propagated!
    async fn my_test(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()> {
        // ...

Let's take a look at what the properties mean:

schema The schema handler to use for the test, given as a path ending in a function pointer. This is always required to be present on a test. A schema handler produces the schema that the test tests against. The path must be resolvable from the scope of the test function.

mod some_spec {
    fn schema_handler() -> String {
        "model A {
            #id(id, Int, @id)
            field String?

    async fn my_test(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()> {
        // Assertions against the models as given by the handler.

Note that the schema handlers can be located anywhere, the only important bit is that they're in scope for the test: #[test_suite(schema(some_other_mod::path::schema_handler))]

exclude and only Mutually exclusive properties that constrain tests to run only for a set of connectors. By default (when none of the two are given), all possible connectors are run for a test. only sets a whitelist of connectors to run, exclude sets a blacklist. The values used in both are identical in form: Connector or Connector(Version, Version, ...). If no version is given, the entire connector family (all versions) is included or excluded.

Connectors are at the time of writing:

  • Postgres: 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
  • MySql: 5.6, 5.7, 8, mariadb
  • SqlServer: 2017, 2019, 2022
  • Sqlite: No versions
  • MongoDb: 4

Connector tags can be written all lowercase, uppercase, camel, doesn't matter. Versions can be written as literal, string, float, int. A few examples:

only(Postgres, MySql(5.7, "5.6")): All Postgres versions + MySql 5.6 and 5.7 exclude(SqlServer): All connectors except all versions of SqlServer. only(SQLSERVER): All versions of SQL Server, nothing else.

capabilities Requires connectors to have all of the given connector capabilities (for a full list of valid capabilities see pub enum ConnectorCapability in datamodel-connector/src/ Note that you can give both connectors and capabilities, but if the connectors you specify do not have the capabilities, the test(s) will be skipped.

Example: capabilities(ScalarLists, CreateMany).

A Word on Test Execution

Tests are running concurrently by default, which makes it necessary to isolate them from each other. For that purpose, each test runs against a separate sandbox in the underlying connector. In MySQL, this is a separate database, in Sqlite this is a separate database file. The name of the "sandbox" is defined as suite + '_' + test function name.

A minimal test example is:

mod some_spec {
    async fn my_test(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()> {
        // Assertions against the models as given by the handler.

The test database in MySQL would be some_spec_my_test, the file for Sqlite some_spec_my_test.db. For details on how each connector handles it, look into the files in query-tests-setup/src/connector_tag where the connection strings are rendered.

Writing Schema templates & Common Schemas

Schemas that are used for tests that are supposed to run for all connectors must be templated. Currently, MongoDb requires parts of a schema to have different forms, which would require writing all schemas twice, or duplicating tests for Mongo, etc.

For this reason, schemas have template strings of the form #name(args) embedded in them. Connectors decide how to render schemas (see query-tests-setup/src/datamodel_rendering for details). Currently two templates are available:

  • #id(field_name, field_type, directives ...) - For defining an ID field on a model.
    • #id(pid, Int, @id, @map("_pid"))
  • #m2m(field_name, field_type, opposing_field_name, opposing_type, opt_relation_name) - For defining a many-to-many relation between two models.
    • Example: #m2m(posts, Post[], id, String, "name")

All SQL connectors render these with a standard SqlDatamodelRenderer, Mongo uses its own MongoDbSchemaRenderer.

Consider using one of the common schemas located in query-engine-tests/sec/schemas to write your tests - they are already templated correctly and reducing the number of schemas used overall helps keeping the tests more compact. However, if a test suite requires a specialized schema, it's totally fine to write one yourself, just remember to template it correctly.


Some utils are available to ease assertions. You'll find below how to use each of them.


In most tests, we simply run a query and expect an output. Snapshots are extremely convenient to automatically generate the expected output of an assertion, directly in your code. Here's how the flow goes:

Step 1 - (Optional) Install cargo-insta

If you want to easily review/update/generate your snapshots, it is recommended to install cargo-insta via cargo install cargo-insta.

cargo-insta is also useful to run all the tests without having them stop at the first failure. Instead, it will collect all the failing snapshots and let you review them in a batch after your tests are done running.

If you prefer, you can follow this short video which explains how to use the tool.

Step 2 - Create the test

We intentionally leave the expected output empty as you can see below.

async fn some_test(runner: Runner) -> TestResult<()> {
        run_query!(&runner, r#"<your_query>"#),


Step 3 - Run your tests

With cargo-insta
  • If you want to run all the tests without them stoping at the first failure, use cargo insta test --package query-engine-tests. (Caveat: all the tests have to be run). There's a couple of handy additional flags that can be passed to the command (such as --review). Use cargo insta test --help to know more about them.

  • If you want to run a single test or test-suite, use cargo test as usual. Pay attention to the end of the output log. You should see something like info: X snapshot to review. See Step 4 for the review process.

Without cargo-insta

If you haven't installed cargo-insta, use cargo test as usual.

Step 4 - Review the snapshots

With cargo-insta

⚠️ Important: While automatic snapshot updates are extremely convenient, it is also an easy way to miss unintended changes. Please, don't ever just update all your snapshots to make the CI green without carefully checking what was changed and whether that was the intended change.

Run cargo insta review to be prompted with an interactive view that lets you accept or reject the snapshots changes if there are any. Below is an example of a failing snapshot:

Package: query-engine-tests (0.1.0)
Snapshot: avg_with_all_sorts_of_query_args-6
Source: query-engine/connector-test-kit-rs/query-engine-tests/tests/queries/aggregation/
-old snapshot
+new results
    r#"query { aggregateTestModel(cursor: { id: 3 }) { avg { int bInt float decimal } } }"#
    0       β”‚-{"data":{"aggregateTestModel":{"_avg":{"int":1.5,"bInt":1.5,"float":0.75,"decimal":"0.75"}}}}
          0 β”‚+{"data":{"aggregateTestModel":{"avg":{"int":1.5,"bInt":1.5,"float":0.75,"decimal":"0.75"}}}}

  a accept   keep the new snapshot
  r reject   keep the old snapshot
  s skip     keep both for now
  • Press a to accept the snapshot update
  • Press r to reject the snapshot update
  • Press s to skip the snapshot update

Accepting a snapshot update will replace, directly in your code, the expected output in the assertion.

If you dislike the interactive view, you can also run cargo insta accept to automatically accept all snapshots and then use your git diff to check if everything is as intended.

Without cargo-insta

If you haven't installed cargo-insta, have a look at the error output and manually update the snapshot if the change is expected, just like when using assert_eq!.

Adding a new data store source for tests

Let's say you already have connector tests for MongoDB but right now it runs only with version 4.4 and want to support version 5.0, the steps are easy but requires changes in different places to be sure we run the tests everywhere.

  1. Add the container image for your new data store source to the docker-compose.yml file, name it to something you will remember, for example mongo5
  2. Create a connector file in the query-engine/connector-test-kit-rs/test-configs/ with the connector data (see other examples in that director), name it with something that makes sense, for example mongo5
  3. Add the credentials to access the data store service from the docker compose file, this is done creating the required file in .test_database_urls, for example .test_database_urls/mongo5
  4. Make sure this image is available to build and prepare the environment in the Makefile, in the query engine we depend in two Make targets, dev- and start-
    • The start- target (for example start-mongo5) will execute the data store service in docker compose, for example docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans mongo5
    • The dev- target (for example dev-mongo5) will depend on the start- target and copy the correct connector file, for example cp $(CONFIG_PATH)/mongodb5 $(CONFIG_FILE)
  5. Add the new test data store source to the query-engine/connector-test-kit-rs/query-test-setup/src/connector_tag file, if it is a completely new data store create the required file, in our case we need to modify
    • Add the new version to the version enum (ex. MongoDbVersion)
    • Implement or amend the try_from function for the version enum
    • Implement or amend the to_string function for the version enum
    • Add the new source to the connection_string method. You need two implementations, one for the internal CI and another for the local test
  6. Add the new data source as a given capability, without this your test specific to that version won't run at all. For this you need to add the capability to the vector in the all function.