Enable cocoapods to download files from S3 using pre-signed URLs to distribute private frameworks using AWS IAM Credentials
Use podspecs with 's3' type on source. Example:
s.source = { :s3 => "https://{BUCKET}.s3.amazonaws.com/File.framework.zip" }
To be able to download from a S3 URL a IAM credential is needed, more info about how to setup IAM credentials:
git clone git://github.com/samuelabreu/cocoapods-s3-download
cd cocoapods-s3-download
gem build cocoapods-s3-download.gemspec
gem install cocoapods-s3-download-x.x.x.gem
Using bundler:
gem 'cocoapods-s3-download', :git => 'git://github.com/samuelabreu/cocoapods-s3-download.git'