This is a quick illustration on importing Open Street Maps to PostGIS on Mac. At this stage it is assumed that PostgreSQL is installed in the Mac.
In the pgAdmin open script Object> Scripts> CREATE Script
and run the following code to create a database called OSM
create database osm;
create extension postgis;
Open terminal and install osmosis
brew install osmosis
Now run the following to import osm to the postgis database;
Shanakas-MBP:~ postgres$ osm2pgsql -c -d osm -U "postgres" -W -H "localhost" -P 5432 /Data/england.osh.pbf
You will be asked to enter the password of PostgreSQL.
If you get the following error,
Node cache size is too small to fit all nodes. Please increase cache size
Error occurred, cleaning up
Increase the cache by -C
Shanakas-MBP:~ postgres$ osm2pgsql -c -d osm -U "postgres" -W -H "localhost" -P 5432 -C 3000 /Data/england.osh.pbf