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File metadata and controls

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PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to the HEAD of the source tree

If you are using a released version of Kubernetes, you should refer to the docs that go with that version.

The latest 1.0.x release of this document can be found [here](

Documentation for other releases can be found at

Getting started on Amazon EC2 with CoreOS

The example below creates an elastic Kubernetes cluster with a custom number of worker nodes and a master.

Warning: contrary to the supported procedure, the examples below provision Kubernetes with an insecure API server (plain HTTP, no security tokens, no basic auth). For demonstration purposes only.



Starting a Cluster


The cloudformation-template.json can be used to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster with a single command:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name kubernetes --region us-west-2 \
--template-body file://aws/cloudformation-template.json \
--parameters ParameterKey=KeyPair,ParameterValue=<keypair> \
             ParameterKey=ClusterSize,ParameterValue=<cluster_size> \
             ParameterKey=VpcId,ParameterValue=<vpc_id> \
             ParameterKey=SubnetId,ParameterValue=<subnet_id> \

It will take a few minutes for the entire stack to come up. You can monitor the stack progress with the following command:

aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name kubernetes

Record the Kubernetes Master IP address:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name kubernetes

Skip to kubectl client configuration


The following commands shall use the latest CoreOS alpha AMI for the us-west-2 region. For a list of different regions and corresponding AMI IDs see the CoreOS EC2 cloud provider documentation.

Create the Kubernetes Security Group

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name kubernetes --description "Kubernetes Security Group"
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name kubernetes --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name kubernetes --protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name kubernetes --source-security-group-name kubernetes

Save the master and node cloud-configs

Launch the master

Attention: replace <ami_image_id> below for a suitable version of CoreOS image for AWS.

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id <ami_image_id> --key-name <keypair> \
--region us-west-2 --security-groups kubernetes --instance-type m3.medium \
--user-data file://master.yaml

Record the InstanceId for the master.

Gather the public and private IPs for the master node:

aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id <instance-id>
    "Reservations": [
            "Instances": [
                    "PublicDnsName": "", 
                    "RootDeviceType": "ebs", 
                    "State": {
                        "Code": 16, 
                        "Name": "running"
                    "PublicIpAddress": "", 
                    "PrivateIpAddress": "", 

Update the node.yaml cloud-config

Edit node.yaml and replace all instances of <master-private-ip> with the private IP address of the master node.

Launch 3 worker nodes

Attention: Replace <ami_image_id> below for a suitable version of CoreOS image for AWS.

aws ec2 run-instances --count 3 --image-id <ami_image_id> --key-name <keypair> \
--region us-west-2 --security-groups kubernetes --instance-type m3.medium \
--user-data file://node.yaml

Add additional worker nodes

Attention: replace <ami_image_id> below for a suitable version of CoreOS image for AWS.

aws ec2 run-instances --count 1 --image-id <ami_image_id> --key-name <keypair> \
--region us-west-2 --security-groups kubernetes --instance-type m3.medium \
--user-data file://node.yaml

Configure the kubectl SSH tunnel

This command enables secure communication between the kubectl client and the Kubernetes API.

ssh -f -nNT -L 8080: core@<master-public-ip>

Listing worker nodes

Once the worker instances have fully booted, they will be automatically registered with the Kubernetes API server by the kube-register service running on the master node. It may take a few mins.

kubectl get nodes

Starting a simple pod

Create a pod manifest: pod.json

  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "kind": "Pod",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "hello",
    "labels": {
      "name": "hello",
      "environment": "testing"
  "spec": {
    "containers": [{
      "name": "hello",
      "image": "",
      "ports": [{
        "containerPort": 80,
        "hostPort": 80

Create the pod using the kubectl command line tool

kubectl create -f ./pod.json


kubectl get pods

Record the Host of the pod, which should be the private IP address.

Gather the public IP address for the worker node.

aws ec2 describe-instances --filters 'Name=private-ip-address,Values=<host>'
    "Reservations": [
            "Instances": [
                    "PublicDnsName": "", 
                    "RootDeviceType": "ebs", 
                    "State": {
                        "Code": 16, 
                        "Name": "running"
                    "PublicIpAddress": "", 

Visit the public IP address in your browser to view the running pod.

Delete the pod

kubectl delete pods hello
