Project skeletons are provided for initial project setup using b5-init
. By default b5 will initialize new projects
using a "basic" template which only provides a basic project layout. See
for details about the basic skeleton.
$ b5-init TEST-PROJECT
Cloning into '/Users/ddanier/TEST-PROJECT'...
remote: Counting objects: 16, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done.
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/ddanier/TEST-PROJECT/.git/
Have a good project time.
Successful initialized TEST-PROJECT
skeleton used:
project path: /Users/ddanier/TEST-PROJECT
$ ls -lh
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 ddanier staff 898B 1 Jun 22:28
-rw-r--r-- 1 ddanier staff 419B 1 Jun 22:28
drwxr-xr-x 4 ddanier staff 128B 1 Jun 22:28 build
drwxr-xr-x 3 ddanier staff 96B 1 Jun 22:28 web
$ tree
├── build
│ ├── Taskfile
│ └── config.yml
└── web
└── index.html
2 directories, 5 files
$ cat build/Taskfile
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# b5 Taskfile, see for details
# Basic housekeeping tasks
task:install() {
# Use modules to install all project dependencies
# virtualenv:install
task:update() {
# Use modules to keep dependencies updated and run maintainence tasks (for example: DB migrations)
# virtualenv:update
# Fabric example, for deployment
# ------------------------------
## Run fabric from b5, so it is accessible from every path inside the project
#task:fab() {
# virtualenv:run fab "$@"
## Run fabric based deployment
#task:deploy() {
# if [ -z "${1:-}" ]
# then
# echo "Usage: b5 deploy <servername> [options]"
# echo ""
# b5:abort "Argument missing: server name"
# fi
# virtualenv:run fab "$1" deploy:"${2:-}"
$ b5 install
b5 0.12.0
Found project path (/Users/ddanier/TEST-PROJECT)
Found Taskfile (~/.b5/Taskfile, Taskfile)
Executing task install
Task exited ok
Basic project template, only providing an minimal set of files.
Basic django project template. The skeleton will ask you about which versions (Django, Python) and database you want to use. Please make sure the parameters you use are valid.
Basic Magento 2 project template.
A b5 skeleton is just a normal git repository. You may use any valid git URL for initializing your new project, if only providing a name b5 will try to clone "$NAME.git" by default.
After cloning the git repository b5 will then remove the .git/ path from it and use git init
to create a new
repository. You may provide additional initialization by providing an init/ path inside the repository. b5 will
use this path as its run_path and then execute the "project:init"-task of the Taskfile inside init/ (so init/Taskfile
will be used - you may provide init/config.yml as well). After this init task is run b5 will completely remove
init/ from the newly created project.
See and for a really minimal example of this mechanism.
Important: The skeleton init should provide a project directory in a state like developers would have after
cloning the project the first time. This means it's totally ok to run b5 install
and b5 update