Releases: timholy/Revise.jl
Releases · timholy/Revise.jl
revise(module) and fixes on 0.7
Merge pull request #48 from timholy/teh/fix0.7 Fix Revise on 0.7
Preserve order of included files
Merge pull request #45 from timholy/teh/preserve_order module2files and a bunch of comments
Better support for __FILE__ and __DIR__ macros
Merge pull request #37 from timholy/teh/FILE Run macroreplace! on all expressions to replace __FILE__, fixes #36.
Deterministic evaluation order
Use OrderedSet (#33) This ensures that code is evaluated in the order in which it's defined in the file.
Better line numbers
Merge pull request #29 from timholy/teh/linenumbers Keep track of line number across multiple parse calls. Fixes #27
OSX fixes
Package exclusion
Merge pull request #16 from timholy/teh/dont_watch Add exclusion/silencing mechanisms and exclude GSL
vim, IJulia, and module docstrings
- Fixes for vim users (vim seems to use a save-to-temporary-file-and-then-rename strategy when saving documents)
- Automatically trigger revisions on IJulia
- Split a module's docstring from the module (prevents what would otherwise be an attempted module redefinition)
Initial release
Merge pull request #5 from timholy/teh/include Support tracking of `include`d files