# Clone this repo
$ git clone [email protected]:7kfpun/SwiftUI-TWAQI.git
# Go inside the project and install pod dependencies
$ cd SwiftUI-TWAQI && pod install
# Copy example config
$ cp TWAQI/Config/example.xcconfig TWAQI/Config/debug.xcconfig
# Get a Google Maps API key, https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/get-api-key, and update the key `GMSServicesApiKey` in the debug.xcconfig file
$ open TWAQI/Config/debug.xcconfig
# Create a Firebase project and download the config file, GoogleService-Info.plist, to the folder, https://firebase.google.com/docs/ios/setup
$ cp ~/GoogleService-Info.plist TWAQI/GoogleService-Info.plist
# Open Xcode and run with Command (⌘)-R
$ open TWAQI.xcworkspace
Released under the MIT License.