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Releases: Automattic/Gravatar-SDK-Android

Release 2.2.0

16 Dec 11:17
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What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • Switch serialization library from moshi-reflection to moshi-codegen


  • Apply tint to verified services remote icons


  • Notify 3rd party when the selected avatar is deleted.
  • Make UiMode configurable via the GravatarUIMode param. This allows a third-party app to override UiMode with Dark/Light/System mode.
  • Removed delay before notifying an avatar change.
  • Added the following avatar options:
    • Download the avatar image to the device
    • Delete the avatar

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0


04 Dec 14:33
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2.2.0-rc1 Pre-release

What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • Switch serialization library from moshi-reflection to moshi-codegen


  • Apply tint to verified services remote icons


  • Notify 3rd party when the selected avatar is deleted.
  • Make UiMode configurable via the GravatarUIMode param. This allows a third-party app to override UiMode with Dark/Light/System mode.
  • Removed delay before notifying an avatar change.
  • Added the following avatar options:
    • Download the avatar image to the device
    • Delete the avatar

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0-rc1

Release 2.1.0

14 Nov 12:47
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What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)



  • Implemented GravatarQuickEditorActivity to wrap the GravatarQuickEditorBottomSheet in apps where using a singleTask activity is impossible in order to receive the OAuth authorization callback.

Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0

Release 2.0.1

12 Nov 10:19
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What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)



  • Fixed a bug that made the SDK crash when the end user denied the OAuth access.

Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1

Release 2.0.0

25 Oct 10:20
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What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • Java Desugaring is no longer required. This means we no longer use java.time API in our models, and use plain Strings for ISO date time instead. It's up to the third-party developer to pick the preferred library.
  • We have migrated from Gson to Moshi.
  • Proguard rules are now provided with the SDK to make sure the obfuscation won't break it.
  • Result was renamed to GravatarResult to create less confusion with the kotlin.Result
  • AvatarService and ProfileService are now updated and support all new endpoints from the Gravatar OpenAPI specification.


  • Avatar component has an additional forceRefresh param. When true, we will try to use the latest version of the Avatar by skipping the server cache.
  • compose_compiler_config.conf has been added to make components relying on :gravatar models Stable.
  • String resources are now translated to 16 other languages.
  • GravatarImagePickerWrapper was removed. Thanks to that we could remove the uCrop dependency from the :ui module.
  • We have removed all deprecated components that were using old deprecated models.


  • Quick Editor allows your app's users to modify their Gravatar profile without leaving the app. The first release only supports Avatar modifications, but more is yet to come. For more detailed instructions on how to use it check our docs here.

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...2.0.0

Release 2.0.0-rc4

18 Oct 08:37
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Release 2.0.0-rc4 Pre-release

What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)



  • onDismiss is now optional when showing the QuickEditor via
  • UCropActivity should no longer cause Manifest conflicts with third-party apps

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc3...2.0.0-rc4


17 Oct 07:28
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2.0.0-rc3 Pre-release

What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • Throwing GravatarException on noncatching service methods. All exceptions will be wrapped with the GravatarException, so we provide the ErrorType and also the original exception.



  • Handle android.permission.CAMERA when included in the app manifest.

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc2...2.0.0-rc3


15 Oct 10:47
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2.0.0-rc2 Pre-release

What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • Imporved Java <-> Kotlin interop in AvatarUrl class.



  • Experimental components were removed. This should decrease the chances of breaking code compilation when using different lib versions.
  • Backup rules are no longer provided by default, they have to be added manually. This was causing the Manifest merger to fail.
  • Downgraded Compose Bom to 2024.02.00.

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc1...2.0.0-rc2

Release 2.0.0-rc1

09 Oct 07:55
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Release 2.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • The Kotlin version was downgraded to 1.9.25 to ensure we are compatible with the majority.
  • Java Desugaring is no longer required. This means we can no longer use java.time API in our models, and use plain Strings for ISO date time instead. It's up to the third-party developer to pick the preferred library.
  • We have migrated from Gson to Moshi.
  • Proguard rules are now provided with the SDK to make sure the obfuscation won't break it.
  • Result was renamed to GravatarResult to create less confusion with the kotlin.Result
  • AvatarService and ProfileService are now updated and support all new endpoints from the Gravatar OpenAPI specification.


  • Avatar component has an additional forceRefresh param. When true, we will try to use the latest version of the Avatar by skipping the server cache.
  • compose_compiler_config.conf has been added to make components relying on :gravatar models Stable.
  • String resources are now translated to 16 other languages.
  • GravatarImagePickerWrapper was removed. Thanks to that we could remove the uCrop dependency from the :ui module.
  • We have removed all deprecated components that were using old deprecated models.


  • Quick Editor allows your app's users to modify their Gravatar profile without leaving the app. The first release only supports Avatar modifications, but more is yet to come. For more detailed instructions on how to use it check our docs here.

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...2.0.0-rc1

Release 1.1.0

05 Jul 10:29
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What's Changed

gravatar (Core module)

  • api package is deprecated and replaced with restapi
  • New model classes were build with backward compatibility in mind


  • Profile components are now wrapped in a Surface making overriding the theming attributes possible
  • Multiple visual fixes to the profile components aligning it with iOS version of the SDK
  • New UI composables that take the new models as params. You can still use the old deprecated ones.
  • Profile components now allow for custom Avatar and Button composables via slot API


Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0