#Streamflow Prediction Tool App tethysapp-streamflow_prediction_tool
This app requires you to have the ECMWF AutoRAPID preprocessing completed separately. See: https://github.com/erdc-cm/spt_ecmwf_autorapid_process; https://github.com/erdc-cm/spt_lsm_autorapid_process
- Tethys Platform v1.3 (CKAN, PostgresQL, GeoServer): See: http://docs.tethysplatform.org/en/1.3.0/
- RAPIDpy (Python package).
###Install RAPIDpy: For instructions, go to: https://github.com/erdc-cm/RAPIDpy.
Note: Before installing RAPIDpy into your python site-packages, activate your Tethys python environment:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
##Installation: Clone the app into the directory you want:
$ git clone https://github.com/erdc-cm/tethysapp-streamflow_prediction_tool.git
$ cd tethysapp-streamflow_prediction_tool
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Then install the app in Tethys Platform.
###Installation for App Development:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ cd tethysapp-streamflow_prediction_tool
$ python setup.py develop
$ tethys syncstores streamflow_prediction_tool
###Installation for Production:
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ cd tethysapp-streamflow_prediction_tool
$ python setup.py install
$ tethys syncstores streamflow_prediction_tool
$ tethys manage collectstatic
Restart the Apache Server: See: http://docs.tethysplatform.org/en/1.3.0/production/installation.html#enable-site-and-restart-apache
##Updating the App: Update the local repository and Tethys Platform instance.
$ . /usr/lib/tethys/bin/activate
$ cd tethysapp-streamflow_prediction_tool
$ git pull
$ git submodule update
Reset the database if changes are made to the database (this will delete your old database and regenerate a new app instance id):
$ tethys syncstores streamflow_prediction_tool -r
Restart the Apache Server: See: http://docs.tethysplatform.org/en/1.3.0/production/installation.html#enable-site-and-restart-apache
$ pip install pip --upgrade
Restart your terminal
$ pip install requests --upgrade
Check if your server has crontab permissions: Ex:
# su -s /bin/bash apache
bash-4.2$ crontab -e
You (apache) are not allowed to use this program (crontab)
See crontab(1) for more information
If not, add the permissions in the cron.allow file.
# echo apache >>/etc/cron.allow
If you are using a drive/folder not associated with your normal apache server locations, you may need to set SELinux to allow it. In this example, I am using a folder named /tethys
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t '/tethys(/.*)?'
# restorecon -Rv /tethys