Arch image designed for use in distrobox. This image includes all of the packages normally installed by distrobox on first start, paru pre-installed, and a modified xdg-utils that allows the container to open your host operating system's web browsers and file explorer.
A few other niceties are also added, namely:
- starship prompt
- zsh plus highlighting and autosuggestions
- atuin (magical shell history)
- bat
- btop
- bottom
- dust
- dysk
- eza (exa clone)
- fd
- fzf
- just (command runner)
- ouch (unzipping utility)
- ripgrep
- p7zip
- yt-dlp
- ytfzf
- zoxide
Furthermore some things more focussed on my dev work:
- aws-cli V2
- docker and docker-slim
- git-remote-codecommit (for interacting with AWS Codecommit)
- git-delta (visually nice diff viewer)
- libsecret (for storing things like git credentials)
- rtx (runtime chooser)
- gitui (TUI git interface)
- helix (terminal editor)
- neovim (mostly for legacy purposes now)
Lastly, in order to be able to use this image more seamlessly as a full-time
shell environment a few things are linked to distrobox-host-exec
means that they'll be executed on the host transparently. This includes:
- flatpak
- docker
- podman
- rpm-ostree
- distrobox (be careful with this as it can easily kill the current shell session)
These images are signed with sisgstore's cosign. You can verify the signature by downloading the
key from this repo and running the following command:
cosign verify --key