I recently learned how to use redis to distrubte functions of a python program, and allow the program to run multiple functons in parallel. What irked me the most was how little documentation or straight-forward examples were out there to help me get up and runnning.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
python 2.7
python modules rq and redis
sudo *package manager* install *software*
sudo apt install screen
sudo apt install redis-server
pip installer downloaded from here: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python get-pip.py
e.g. via pip:
pip install rq
pip install redis
in a terminal, type:
python main_program.py
The screen starts, we can access it via a terminal like so:
screen -r sample_screen
The screen runs a worker monitoring on sample_queue
Then the job is passed to the queue sample_queue, and the worker executes function_a()
In our screen (sample_screen) we can see function a being run - it counts 1-20.
Redis contains 3 seperate components
- The main component is the worker - this is seperate from the redis web server and is used to run the job
- The next component is the message queue - the worker constantly checks the message queue for new jobs
- When a job appears in a message queue the worker assigns itself to the job, and run the job - then post results back to the queue the last component is the task queue client - this component runs as part of the application in redis-server.
- This component posts new jobs to the message queue
- Documentation is available here: https://redis.io/