This is the code to mimic the scrolling of different demographics, detect inappropriate content that they might encounter, and assess its impact on them
git clone
cd MobileAgent-main
pip install -r requirements.txt
Obtain and Install ADB: Download the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool from the official Android developer website.
Enable Developer Options on Your Android Device
Activate USB Debugging: In Developer Options, find and enable "USB debugging".
Connect Your Android Device: Use a USB cable to connect your Android device to your computer. When prompted on your device, select "File Transfer" mode.
Verify ADB Connection: Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer and type:
/path/to/adb devices
if your device is listed then it was successful
- Set Proper Permissions (macOS/Linux only): On macOS or Linux, you may need to set execution permissions for ADB. Use this command
sudo chmod +x /path/to/adb
Windows-Specific Note: On Windows systems, you'll use "adb.exe" instead. The command might look like:
C:\path\to\adb.exe devices
Next, go to and change the command to suit you based on the environment you are using. You may also change addresses and files in the MobileAgent-main folder and the file to match the ProgramController's code. Then, run the command, set the counter to the number in the filename (test + counter) you want to begin in (you can change the filename where the data goes), the address to the folder MobileAgent-main, the groundingdino path, the demographic description of the person, and the API key that you have been provided.
python --counter _num_ --address /path/to/MobileAgent-main --grounding /path/to/GroundingDINO --description "demographic description" --adb /path/to/adb --api "your api key"
python --filePath /path/to/MobileAgent-main --startingNum _num_ --api "your api key" --description "demographic description"
python --filePath /path/to/MobileAgent-main --startingNum _num_ --part "What part you are looking for (ex. Thought, Action)"