Prerequisite: Install homebrew
Clone this repo to
(note: This path is expected) -
Install nix (multi user installation) through the determinate systems nix installer
Bootstrap nix-darwin, see documentation, something like
nix run nix-darwin -- switch --flake ~/dotfiles/nix-darwin#GNRSN/MacBook
Bootstrap home-manager, see documentation, something like
nix run home-manager -- switch --flake ~/dotfiles/nix-darwin#GNRSN
Symlink dotfiles into .config using
cd ~/dotfiles && stow .
Nix is a build tool/package manager with its own language (DSL) and package repository nixpkgs. The installer created by determinate systems also allows easy uninstallation so we prefer this over the official installation script
Acts as a glue between Nix and MacOS, allows declarative MacOS configuration inspired by NixOS. Manages itself after bootstrapping.
Installs and configures the user environment. Can "manage" supported software, e.g. managing zsh results in a generated zshrc and so forth. Enabled per supported software package and then takes ownership for the configuration of that software.
Symlink utility, I use this for configs since I want them to be editable with instant refresh. Having to home-manager switch for each config is wasteful friction IMO. Could possibly be replaced with Nix mkOutOfStoreSymlink
See discussion in https://github.com/omerxx/dotfiles/issues/10
Requires to be installed for dependencies that compile from source.
Rustup manages the rust entire rust toolchain, installing versioned cargo through nix seemed overkill for now.
This approach requires installing the toolchain manually through: rustup default stable