The code in this repo is a part of performance engineering presentation I gave at Celantur.
- Basic MP - basic setup for multiprocessing in Python. Consists of a worker object that is connected to main process via multiprocessing queue.
- Cache miss - demonstration of substantial slowdown of operations when we have a lot of cache misses. Used to demosntrate how slow the exchange works between CPU and RAM
- Context switch - Just a program that runs multiple threads in parallel. Shows that the performance drops after N_threads > N_cores
- Subprocess manipulation - serves as an example that OS can send signals to subprocesses, as opposed to threads
- Shows the easy way to use GPU as processing of vector operationsFlaskAPI/ApiForApi/SanicApi
- show the difference between IO and compute bounded tasks. Displays that compute bound tasks can be improved with the multiprocessing and the IO bound task with asyncronous
- basic example program that runs on GPU. Does memory allocation, host-to-device copy, some simple kernel, device-to-host copy and memory free. Used to display the necessety of profiling (done with Nsight)- - works on top of Shows the possible optimisations for processing, such as simultaneous kernel and memory transfers, staircase optimisation pattern, keeping allocated memory, demostrating the GPU streams.
- serve as the example of using NSight profiler for torch programs and nesessity of NVTX decorators. Shows that NSight profiling can work with multhreaded and multiprocessed programs.