Journey to the West, weekly leetcode with golang. Making progress step by step.
- 2024/05/26: Longest Palindromic Substring (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/06/03: Regular Expression Matching (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/06/10: Integer to Roman (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/06/17: Roman to Integer (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/06/22: Longest Common Prefix (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/06/30: 3 sum (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/07/12: 3 sum closet (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/07/13: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/07/21: 4Sum (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/07/28: Remove Nth Node From End of List (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/08/03: Valid Parentheses (problem link) (solution)
- 2024/08/10: Merge Two Sorted Lists (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/08/17: Climbing Stairs (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/08/17: Generate Parentheses (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/08/31: Merge k Sorted Lists (problem link)(solution) DivideAndConquer, PriorityQueue
- 2024/09/13: Swap Nodes in Pairs (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/09/15: Reverse Nodes in k-Group (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/09/21: Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/10/05: Remove Element (problem link)(remove_element)
- 2024/10/13: Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/10/14: Divide Two Integers (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/10/15: Substring with Concatenation of All Words (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/10/18: Next Permutation (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/10/20: Longest Valid Parentheses (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/10/26: Search in Rotated Sorted Array (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/11/02: Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/11/05: Search Insert Position (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/11/06: Valid Sudoku (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/11/09: Sudoku Solver (problem link)(solution) -> enhancement here
- 2024/12/14: Count and Say (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/12/21: Combination Sum (problem link)(solution)
- 2024/12/28: Combination Sum II (problem link)(solution)
- 2025/01/04: First Missing Positive (problem link)(solution)