Jake Olsen https://a2-olsen463.glitch.me/ In this project I created a To do list that determines when you should complete a task by the priority you give it. Tasks with higher priority should be completed before tasks with lower priority. Priority level 1 being the highest and 3 being the lowest. Users are able to both delete and add to the list and have it update live in front of them.
- Tech Achievement 1: Created a single page app that borh provides a form for useres to submit data and always shows the current state of the server's data
- Design Achievement 1: Conducted one think-aloud protocol in person
- Last Name: Wright
- Problems: The centered alignment of everything feels off and the data being displayed is very small font
- Comments: The idea that the deadline is calculated based on the prrority given to it is not very clear
- I would make the font of the data bigger, however I am still unsure about not having it center alligned. I feel like the centering gives it a good flow of control.