Welcome to the original Chicken Cube Destroyers - a complex shooting game with many features built in Python using Pygame.
Chicken Cube Destroyers is a shooting game where you control a chicken to shoot down cubes falling from the sky. The game includes special targets, frozen targets, and more challenges as you progress. As you progress, you can use your coins in the marketplace to buy new power-ups, ablilties and also skins. These power-ups and abilities become useful as you progress. Bosses with unpredictable movement appear.
- Auto dependencies update on game launch
- Simple yet addictive, awesome gameplay.
- RTX Support (Imcoming update)
- Smooth Lighting for players and targets
- Magnificient sound improvements
- In-Game marketplaces using in-game coins.
- Powerful targets and abilities
- High score and Coins tracking with database support!
- Credits and version information.
- 8K Resolution Support (Upcoming)
- Multithreading and performant sound libraries (Upcoming)
- Windows-only most performant sound API with sys and os support (Upcoming)
- Asyncorounus optimizations (Upcoming)
- More Sprite Flags (Upcoming)
To play the game, you need:
- Python 3.x
- Pygame library
- Other dependencies mentioned in
Clone the repository:
git clone [https://github.com/PythonChicken123/Cube_Destroyers.git]
Move to project directory
cd chicken-cube-destroyers
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Compile the code
python3 main.py
- Move left and right: '←' '→'
- Deploy a bullet: 'SPACE'
This game is developed by PythonChicken123 Future updates will be produced later
This reposotiry is lisenced under the GNU General Public License v3.0