A simple way to review and estimate your value based on the market.
Create and download your resume based on a professional template.
- Upload your CV to the website.
- Wait for the AI will analyze your resume to understand the pros and cons.
- Improve based on suggestions.
- Analyze your CV.
- Suggestion about the improvement in the future.
- Build your resume base on current layout.
We use the power of AI to analyze your CV so you can be more prepared for your future job.
- Suggest the project and technology you need to learn.
- Generate info to share with friends and family.
- Quize to practive interview question.
- Mobile web version.
- AWS Credential (AWS Access Key Id and AWS Secret Access Key to able to access to AWS Bedrock model)
- AWs bedrock model.
- Convertapi Key.
- React (NextJS) => Build FE.
- AWS-sdk => Analyze Resume.
- Zustand => State management.
- Scss => Styling.
- Antd => Build UI Form.
- ThreeJS => Have Fun.
- React Beautify Dnd => Build Resume Layout.
git clone
cd resume-analytic
yarn dev