This is the development repo containing my assignments for the module CS3012 Software Engineering.
Directory of assignments 1 and 2. Implements a function that can calculate the Lowest Common Ancestor in a graph, that may be structured as a binary tree or a more general Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). See README in this dir for more details.
A written report on a Biography of an influential software engineer. My chosen software engeneer is George Hotz is a famous Hacker, Creative consumer and Entrepreneur.
A written report on the ways in which the software engineering process can be measured and assesed. In particular I descuss the Metrics used, Computationial platforms available to preform this analysis, the algorithmic approachs available, and the ethical concerns involed with this analysis.
This application will give you information on you skill level in various programming languages as well as a breakdown of the languages used in your repos. The API was developed using Python, the backend using the Django Web framework and visualisations using JavaScript and Bootstrap. See README in this dir for more details. (Live site: