This repo is to use digital signature view in iOS app (Swift / ObjectiveC) To provide Digital Signature View in Swift / ObjectiveC Apps. Where user can draw signature and use it in the app (for example : sign any document) This view has three buttons :
- Reset - to reset the signature.
- Resize - to change the size of signature view by dragging.
- Done - to get the image of signature that can be used in App.
1. CocoaPods
pod 'SignatureSDK'
2. Carthage
github "SharadGoyal/SignatureView"
- Import “Sign” framework in your file (e.g. import Sign)
- Make an object of Configuration class. (e.g. let config = Configuration())
- To customise the look & feel of Signature view, set the properties of Configuration class.
- Initialise SignatureView with configuration object and a closure to get image of signature.
@objc public class Configuration : NSObject {
/// label placeholder text
@objc public var placeholderText: String
/// reset button title
@objc public var resetBtnTitle: String
/// resize button title
@objc public var resizeBtnTitle: String
/// done button title
@objc public var doneBtnTitle: String
/// buttons background color
@objc public var btnBackgroundColor: UIColor
/// buttons title color
@objc public var btnTitleColor: UIColor
/// to specify signature color
@objc public var signatureColor: UIColor
/// to specify signature line width
@objc public var signatureWidth: CGFloat
/// label text color
@objc public var labelTextColor: UIColor
/// label and button font name
@objc public var fontName: String
/// to draw rounded button
@objc public var showRounded: Bool
/// to enable Gradiant Color
@objc public var enableGradiant: Bool
/// array of gradient colors
@objc public var gradientColors: [UIColor]
/// gradient color direction
@objc public var gradientDirection: GradientDirection
/// UIButton press effect type
@objc public var buttonPressEffectType: PressEffectType
/// UIButton border color
public var btnBorderColor: UIColor
/// UIButton corner radius
@objc public var btnCornerRadius: CGFloat
/// UIButton border width
@objc public var btnBorderWidth: CGFloat
import UIKit
import Sign
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
@IBAction func clickedBtn(_ sender: UIButton) {
var config = Configuration()
config.placeholderText = "Type Here"
config.btnBackgroundColor =
config.enableGradiant = true
config.showRounded = true
let _ = SignatureView.init(config: config) { (image) in
print("image received...")