- MedExpress is a platform which allows patients to check into medical clinics, and get insights regarding their visits.
- When a patient enters a clinic, they can check into the clinic via a QR code. The web app then asks the users questions just like any receptionist would such as reason for visiting the clinic, symptoms,medication etc.
- The web app then tells the patient their current position in a queue and determines an estimated wait time.
- A firebase database keeps track of all the clinics, all the patients in the clinics, their medical information, as well as their checkin history
- Flask is used for the server side for all the CRUD operations as well as the queue generation
- Angular is used for the front-end of the patient side app
- React is used for the front-end of the doctor side app
- Using such a diverse stack of technologies to work together in a tight deadline
- Learning several new technologies
- GCP and devops
- Working with Twilio
- We're plan to reach out to health clinics to incorporate our software into their work flow
- IPO in 6 months big bets
API Url: https://medexpress-265520.appspot.com/
Web Recoreder Url: https://medexpress.netlify.com
Speech to Text Server: https://speech-transcript-server.herokuapp.com/
Patient Web App: https://medexpress-client.herokuapp.com/login
Doctor Web App: https://medexpress.netlify.com