This project offers a deep dive into advanced Node.js, TypeScript and Frontend with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, and Validation, and so on. focusing on scalability and clean, production-ready code. It also serves as a boilerplate for your future projects, with every line of code meticulously documented for easy understanding.
Before starting the project, you should have a basic understanding of the following:
& 0.2
are not part of the project, but they are essential for the project.
- Error Handling
- Logger
- Swagger
- Helmet
- Cookie-parser
- Dotenv
- Body-parser
- Morgan
- Mongoose
- MongoDB setup
- Proper script setup
- Compression
- User Registration and Login
- User Profile: Get, Update, Delete
- Authentication Checks: Is Authenticated? Is the Owner?
- Crypto: Password Hashing, Password Salting
- Session Token: Cookie
- API Versioning
- Tailwind CSS
- Axios
- Convert File to Base64
- Clsx
- Tailwind-merge
- Redux—Proper Setup (Redux Toolkit)
- Toast
- Validation
- Form Validation (Yup & Formik) correct format of email, password, etc.
- Only authorized/register users from the database are permitted to proceed to the next page.
- Custom Hooks
- Custom API
- RTK Query & js-cookie: Best Practices for Access Token Storage and Refresh Token
- AsyncThunk
- Refresh Token (Cookie) & Access Token (Redux Store)
- REDUX Persists for holding the state of the user even after the page refreshes.
- Protected Routes
- JWT: Access Token, Refresh Token
- Bcrypt: Password Hashing, Password Salting
- Secure Authentication Mechanism
- Authentication Checks: Is Authenticated? Is the Owner?
- Crypto: Password Hashing, Password Salting
- Local Storage (Variables)
- Proper Error Handler
- User Authentication: Register, Login, Reset Password
- User Profile: Get, Update
- OTP: Generate, Verify
- Authenticated User Only
- Session: Creation, Destroy
- Generate Access Token using Refresh Token
- Logout
- Email: Normal Mail (Nodemailer , mailgen)
- Email: Gmail Basic Auth (SMTP)
- Email: Gmail Better (OAuth2)
- Sharp (Media Processing)
- Multer (File Upload)
- AWS S3 (File Upload)
- Tailwind CSS
- Shadcn/ui
- dark mode/light mode
- Parallel Routing (Intercepting Routes)
- Modal
- Zod(Schema Validation)
What is Redis?
How to set up Redis with docker? (redis-stack and redis-client)
CLI commands for Redis
Redis with Node.js
Data Types
String Operations (cli and node.js) →
set name
,get name
List Operations (cli and node.js) →
(Stack & Queue Concept),RPUSH
(Stack & Queue Concept),LPOP
Set Operations (cli and node.js) →
Hash Operations (cli and node.js) →
Sorted Set Operations (cli and node.js) →
REDIS STREAMS OPERATIONS (cli and node.js) →
Bitmaps Operations (cli and node.js) →
Redis Pub/Sub
Scale A Node.js Application with Redis
5. NestJS
- Basic Understanding and Setup
- 1.1 Let's make a module
- Create a Basic Module
- Define the Module
- Use the Module
- Create More Modules
- Create a
- Create a
- Final Structure
- 1.2 Let's make a basic controller and service
- Create the Controller and Service files
- Define the Controller
- Define the Service
- Register the Controller and Service in the Module
- Inject the Service into the Controller
- Use the Service's methods in the Controller
- Setting Up the Auth Controller
- 2.1 Creating Basic Endpoints
- Setting up DB with docker(Prisma)
- Setting up TypeORM with NestJS (Prisma)
- Understanding DTOs and Class-Validator in NestJS
- 5.1 Installing Class-Validator
- 5.2 Creating and Validating DTOs
- 5.3 Using DTOs in Controllers
- 5.4 Global Validation Pipe
- Implementing Signup Logic with Argon2 and Prisma
- 6.1 Installing Argon2
- 6.2 Basic Signup Logic
- 6.3 Handling Unique Email Validation
- 6.4 Handling Errors
- 6.5 Creating a Custom Exception Filter
- Implementing Login Logic
- Automate postgres restart & prisma migrations
- NestJs config module
- Passport & JWT module setup
- 10.1 Basic Setup of Passport & JWT
- 10.2 Let's setup strategy
- NestGuard
- 11.1 Protecting Routes with Guards
- 11.2 Providers
- 11.3 Return User Payload
- 11.4 JWT Guard
- Custom Param Decorator
- 12.1 Creating a GetUser Decorator
- 12.2 Http Decorator
- E2E Testing
- Setting Up Test Database
- Dotenv for Development and Testing
- Database Tear Down
- 16.1 Cleaning the Database
- 16.2 Database Tear Down in E2E Tests
- 16.3 Create the test
- Auth E2E Testing with Pactum
- 17.1 Signup test
- 17.2 Signin test
- 17.3 Error handling
- 17.4 Multiple Error handling
- 17.5 Storing the token
- User E2E Testing with Pactum
- 18.1 Get User with Bearer Token
- 18.2 Edit User with Bearer Token
- 18.2.1 DTO for Edit User
- 18.2.2 Service for Edit User
- 18.2.3 Controller for Edit User
- 18.2.4 Pactum Test for Edit User
⭐ Let's Revise the concepts and implement bookmarks [CRUD]
- Bookmarks Crud with Testing E2E