This a hackathon based project in which we trying to improve emergency helpline protocol system
Here the link for your yoututbe video -
Our Primary Goal is -
Emergency helpline protocol improved as the current method takes more and time
and the system can be improved by introducing a user interface in to the system.
Our Secondary Goal is -
A network system which will generate a signal to people nearby from where the
emergency has been declared so that the surrounding people will be aware of the potential treat
We have uploaded our second update - 5 : 15 PM (26 Sept 2022)
We have uploaded our login page version 1 - 6 : 21 PM (26 Sept 2022)
We have uploaded our main mage version 1
login page has been embedded in the main page itself- 10 : 15 PM (26 Sept 2022)
Final project uploading done in MASTER branch -
here is the link for the same - - 12 : 40 PM (27 Sept 2022)
Youtube Video Uploaded 3 : 17 AM (27 Sept 2022)