This is a service to generate short url for long url.
- Web page to generate short url
- Choosing http/https
- Choosing length (developing)
- Custom ID (Scheduling)
- API to generate short url(developing)
- Length input
Service is depended on MongoDB, please install first. Mongo Installation
Web page
go get cd www dep ensure chmod +x url && ./url
this will listen the default port:8080, to change it by Configuration
Url Service
go get cd url dep ensure chmod +x www && ./www
this will listen the default port:80, to change it by Configuration
Web page
docker network create ifth docker run -d --name mongo --network ifth mongo docker run -d -p 80:80 --network ifth yqfwind/ifth-www:latest
Url Service
docker network create ifth docker run -d --name mongo --network ifth mongo docker run -d -p 80:80 --network ifth yqfwind/ifth-url:latest
- Web page
host: localhost
# www service
home: http://localhost:8080
port: 8080
# url service
base: http://localhost/%s
length: 3
unique: true
www.home: the web page url
www.port: the web service listened on
url.base: the short url refers to, %s is the slot
url.length: the slot length
url.unique: TRUE or FALSE. FALSE means one url can has many short url linked to it.
- Url Service
host: localhost
# www service
home: http://localhost:8080
# url service
base: http://localhost/%s
port: 80
url.port: the url service listened on