This is a solution to the Entertainment web app challenge on Frontend Mentor.
- Connected to a database (Firabe)
- Possiblity to log in and sing in (with validation)
- Possibility for logged users to add / remove movies from Favorites
- Possibility to add user thumbnail
- Serach bar (used downshift.js)
- "Recommended for you" on the main page - every time you refresh it draws different videos
- Favorites page only for logged users
- Videos thumbnails are progressively loaded (used react-progressive-graceful-image)
- Live Site URL: Live site URL
- HTML5 markup
- TailwindCSS
- React - JS library
- React Router
- Firebase
- Zustand
- Playwright
- Mobile-first workflow
- Atomic design methodology
While developing the project, I wanted to learn about and practice styling elements using TailwindCSS. Also, I emphasized the use of Atomic design methodology
Added some e2e basic tests using Playwright