A django app for interacting with the [Transkribus-API](https://transkribus.eu/wiki/index.php/REST_Interface) to search and read documents hosted and processed by [Transkribus](https://transkribus.eu/Transkribus/)
pip install acdh-django-transkribus
Add your user name and password and the ID of the collection you'd like to expose by the current application's settings file like shown below:
"user": "[email protected]",
"pw": "mytranskribuspassword",
"col_id": "43497"
To make the faksimiles only accessible for logged in user, you need to add the following flag to your settings:
For custom translations you'd need to add following dict to your settings:
'search_form': {
'prefil': 'search in all documents',
'button': 'Go!'
'search_header': {
'header': 'Fulltext Search'
'hits': {
'facet_header': 'refine your search',
'facet_doc_title': 'Document',
'result_header': 'Results',
'kwic_header': 'KWIC',
'result_col': 'Collection',
'result_doc': 'Document',
'result_page': 'Page',
'result_link': 'go to document'
'page': {
'img_col': 'IMG',
'text_col': 'TEXT'
'docs': {
'title_col': 'Title',
'page_nr_col': 'Nr. of pages',
'preview_col': 'Preview',
'doc_singular': 'Document',
'doc_plural': 'Documents',
'page_singular': 'Page',
'page_plural': 'Pages'