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⚠️⚠️⚠️ this project may break production apps and cause unexpected behavior ⚠️⚠️⚠️

this project uses react internals, which can change at any time. it is not recommended to depend on internals unless you really, really have to. by proceeding, you acknowledge the risk of breaking your own code or apps that use your code.


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hack into react internals. used internally by react-scan.

bippy attempts* to solve two problems:

  1. it's not possible to write instrumentation for react without the end user changing code
  2. doing anything useful with fibers requires you to know react source code very well

bippy allows you to access fiber information from outside of react and provides friendly low-level utils for interacting with fibers.

*disclaimer: "attempt" used loosely, i highly recommend not relying on this in production

how it works

bippy allows you to access and use fibers from outside of react.

a react fiber is a "unit of execution." this means react will do something based on the data in a fiber. each fiber either represents a composite (function/class component) or a host (dom element).

here is a live visualization of what the fiber tree looks like, and here is a deep dive article.

fibers are useful because they contain information about the react app (component props, state, contexts, etc.). a simplified version of a fiber looks roughly like this:

interface Fiber {
  // component type (function/class)
  type: any;

  child: Fiber | null;
  sibling: Fiber | null;

  // stateNode is the host fiber (e.g. DOM element)
  stateNode: Node | null;

  // parent fiber
  return: Fiber | null;

  // the previous or current version of the fiber
  alternate: Fiber | null;

  // saved props input
  memoizedProps: any;

  // state (useState, useReducer, useSES, etc.)
  memoizedState: any;

  // contexts (useContext)
  dependencies: Dependencies | null;

  // effects (useEffect, useLayoutEffect, etc.)
  updateQueue: any;

here, the child, sibling, and return properties are pointers to other fibers in the tree.

additionally, memoizedProps, memoizedState, and dependencies are the fiber's props, state, and contexts.

while all of the information is there, it's not super easy to work with, and changes frequently across different versions of react. bippy simplifies this by providing utility functions like:

  • createFiberVisitor to detect renders and traverseFiber to traverse the overall fiber tree
    • (instead of child, sibling, and return pointers)
  • traverseProps, traverseState, and traverseContexts to traverse the fiber's props, state, and contexts
    • (instead of memoizedProps, memoizedState, and dependencies)

however, fibers aren't directly accessible by the user. so, we have to hack our way around to accessing it.

luckily, react reads from a property in the window object: window.__react_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ and runs handlers on it when certain events happen. this property must exist before react's bundle is executed. this is intended for react devtools, but we can use it to our advantage.

here's what it roughly looks like:

  // list of renderers (react-dom, react-native, etc.)
  renderers: Map<RendererID, reactRenderer>;

  // called when react has rendered everything for an update and the fiber tree is fully built and ready to
  // apply changes to the host tree (e.g. DOM mutations)
  onCommitFiberRoot: (
    rendererID: RendererID,
    root: FiberRoot,
    commitPriority?: number
  ) => void;

  // called when effects run
  onPostCommitFiberRoot: (rendererID: RendererID, root: FiberRoot) => void;

  // called when a specific fiber unmounts
  onCommitFiberUnmount: (rendererID: RendererID, Fiber: Fiber) => void;

bippy works by monkey-patching window.__react_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ with our own custom handlers. bippy simplifies this by providing utility functions like:

  • instrument to safely patch window.__react_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__
    • (instead of directly mutating onCommitFiberRoot, ...)
  • secure to wrap your handlers in a try/catch and determine if handlers are safe to run
    • (instead of rawdogging window.__react_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ handlers, which may crash your app)
  • createFiberVisitor to traverse the fiber tree and determine which fibers have actually rendered
    • (instead of child, sibling, and return pointers)
  • traverseFiber to traverse the fiber tree, regardless of whether it has rendered
    • (instead of child, sibling, and return pointers)
  • setFiberId / getFiberId to set and get a fiber's id
    • (instead of anonymous fibers with no identity)


  • fiber: a "unit of execution" in react, representing a component or dom element
  • commit: the process of applying changes to the host tree (e.g. DOM mutations)
  • render: the process of building the fiber tree by executing component function/classes
  • host tree: the tree of UI elements that react mutates (e.g. DOM elements)
  • reconciler (or "renderer"): custom bindings for react, e.g. react-dom, react-native, react-three-fiber, etc to mutate the host tree
  • rendererID: the id of the reconciler, starting at 1 (can be from multiple reconciler instances, e.g. react-dom, react-native, react-three-fiber, etc.)
  • root: a special FiberRoot type that contains the container fiber (the one you pass to ReactDOM.createRoot) in the current property
  • onCommitFiberRoot: called when react is ready to commit a fiber root
  • onPostCommitFiberRoot: called when react has committed a fiber root and effects have run
  • onCommitFiberUnmount: called when a fiber unmounts


the best way to understand bippy is to read the source code. here are some examples of how you can use it:

a mini react-scan

here's a mini toy version of react-scan that highlights renders in your app.

import {
} from 'bippy'; // must be imported BEFORE react

const highlightFiber = (fiber) => {
  if (!(fiber.stateNode instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
  // fiber.stateNode is a DOM element
  const rect = fiber.stateNode.getBoundingClientRect();
  const highlight = document.createElement('div'); = '1px solid red'; = 'fixed'; = `${}px`; = `${rect.left}px`; = `${rect.width}px`; = `${rect.height}px`; = 999999999;
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 100);

 * `createFiberVisitor` traverses the fiber tree and determines which
 * fibers have actually rendered.
 * A fiber tree contains many fibers that may have not rendered. this
 * can be because it bailed out (e.g. `useMemo`) or because it wasn't
 * actually rendered (if <Child> re-rendered, then <Parent> didn't
 * actually render, but exists in the fiber tree).
const visit = createFiberVisitor({
  onRender(fiber) {
     * `getNearestHostFiber` is a utility function that finds the
     * nearest host fiber to a given fiber.
     * a host fiber for `react-dom` is a fiber that has a DOM element
     * as its `stateNode`.
    const hostFiber = getNearestHostFiber(fiber);

 * `instrument` is a function that installs the react DevTools global
 * hook and allows you to set up custom handlers for react fiber events.
   * `secure` is a function that wraps your handlers in a try/catch
   * and prevents it from crashing the app. it also prevents it from
   * running on unsupported react versions and during production.
   * this is not required but highly recommended to provide "safeguards"
   * in case something breaks.
     * `onCommitFiberRoot` is a handler that is called when react is
     * ready to commit a fiber root. this means that react is has
     * rendered your entire app and is ready to apply changes to
     * the host tree (e.g. via DOM mutations).
    onCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root) {
      visit(rendererID, root);

a mini why-did-you-render

here's a mini toy version of why-did-you-render that logs why components re-render.

import {
} from 'bippy'; // must be imported BEFORE react

const visit = createFiberVisitor({
  onRender(fiber) {
     * `isCompositeFiber` is a utility function that checks if a fiber is a composite fiber.
     * a composite fiber is a fiber that represents a function or class component.
    if (!isCompositeFiber(fiber)) return;

     * `getDisplayName` is a utility function that gets the display name of a fiber.
    const displayName = getDisplayName(fiber);
    if (!displayName) return;

    const changes = [];

     * `traverseProps` is a utility function that traverses the props of a fiber.
    traverseProps(fiber, (propName, next, prev) => {
      if (next !== prev) {
          name: `prop ${propName}`,

    let contextId = 0;
     * `traverseContexts` is a utility function that traverses the contexts of a fiber.
     * Contexts don't have a "name" like props, so we use an id to identify them.
    traverseContexts(fiber, (next, prev) => {
      if (next !== prev) {
          name: `context ${contextId}`,

    let stateId = 0;
     * `traverseState` is a utility function that traverses the state of a fiber.
     * State don't have a "name" like props, so we use an id to identify them.
    traverseState(fiber, (value, prevValue) => {
      if (next !== prev) {
          name: `state ${stateId}`,
      'background: hsla(0,0%,70%,.3); border-radius:3px; padding: 0 2px;'
    for (const { name, prev, next } of changes) {
      console.log(`${name}:`, prev, '!==', next);

    onCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root) {
      visit(rendererID, root);

api reference


patches window.__react_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ with your handlers. Use with the secure function to prevent uncaught errors from crashing your app.

    onCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root) {
      console.log('root ready to commit', root);
    onPostCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, root) {
      console.log('root with effects committed', root);
    onCommitFiberUnmount(rendererID, fiber) {
      console.log('fiber unmounted', fiber);


the original bippy character is owned and created by @dairyfreerice. this project is not related to the bippy brand, i just think the character is cute.