# Cognitive (Cortical): Conscious, deliberate learning of facts and concepts. Think studying, reading, or attending lectures.
# Procedural (Subcortical): Unconscious, skill-based learning through practice and repetition. Think riding a bike, playing an instrument, or mastering a sport.
This repository offers a comprehensive collection of programming tutorials designed for aspiring software developers. Through hands-on projects, you'll gain practical experience by building applications from scratch, covering a wide range of programming languages and technologies.
- C#
- C/C++
- Clojure
- Dart
- Elixir
- Erlang
- F#
- Go
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Kotlin
- Lua
- OCaml
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Swift
- Additional resources
- Build an Interpreter (Chapter 14 on is written in C)
- Memory Allocators 101 - Write a simple memory allocator
- Write a Shell in C
- Write a FUSE Filesystem
- Build Your Own Text Editor
- Build Your Own Lisp
- How to Program an NES Game in C
- Write an OS from scratch
- How to create an OS from scratch
- Building a CHIP-8 Emulator
- Beginning Game Programming with C++ and SDL
- Implementing a Key-Value Store
- Tiny 3D graphics projects
- Writing a minimal x86-64 JIT compiler in C++
- Build a Live Code-reloader Library for C++
- Write a hash table in C
- Let's Build a Simple Database
- Let's Write a Kernel
- Write a Bootloader in C
- Linux Container in 500 Lines of Code
- Write Your Own Virtual Machine
- Learning KVM - Implement Your Own Linux Kernel
- Build Your Own Redis with C/C++
- Write a C compiler
- Implementing a Language with LLVM
- Meta Crush Saga: a C++17 compile-time game
- High-Performance Matrix Multiplication
- Space Invaders from Scratch
- Tetris Tutorial in C++ Platform Independent
- Writing a Linux Debugger
- Let's write a compiler
Let's Code a TCP/IP Stack
Programming concurrent servers
MQTT Broker from scratch
- Creating 2D Breakout game clone in C++ with OpenGL
- Handmade Hero
- How to Make Minecraft in C++/OpenGL (video)
- Learn C# By Building a Simple RPG Game
- Create a Rogue-like game in C#
- Create a Blank App with C# and Xamarin (work in progress)
- Build iOS Photo Library App with Xamarin and Visual Studio
- Building the CoreWiki This is a Wiki-style content management system that has been completely written in C# with ASP.NET Core and Razor Pages. You can find the source code here.
- Build a Twitter Bot with Clojure
- Building a Spell-Checker
- Building a JIRA integration with Clojure & Atlassian Connect
- Prototyping with Clojure
- Tetris in ClojureScript
- Amazon Clone with Admin Panel
- Food Delivery App
- Google Docs Clone
- Instagram Clone
- Multiplayer TicTacToe Game
- TikTok Clone
- Ticket Booking App
- Travel App
- Twitch Clone
- WhatsApp Clone
- Wordle Clone
- Zoom Clone
- Netflix Clone
- Building a Simple Chat App With Elixir and Phoenix
- How to write a super fast link shortener with Elixir, Phoenix, and Mnesia
- ChatBus : build your first multi-user chat room app with Erlang/OTP
- Making a Chat App with Erlang, Rebar, Cowboy and Bullet
- Build an Interpreter (Chapter 4-13 is written in Java)
- Build a Simple HTTP Server with Java
- Build an Android Flashlight App (video)
- Build a Spring Boot App with User Authentication
- Build 30 things in 30 days with 30 tutorials
- Build an App in Pure JS
- Build a Jupyter Notebook Extension
- Build a TicTacToe Game with JavaScript
- Build a Simple Weather App With Vanilla JavaScript
- Build a Todo List App in JavaScript
- Build A Loading Screen
- Build an HTML Calculator with JS
- Build Snake using only JavaScript, HTML & CSS
- Create Serverless React.js Apps
- Create a Trello Clone
- Create a Character Voting App with React, Node, MongoDB and SocketIO
- React Tutorial: Cloning Yelp
- Build a Full Stack Movie Voting App with Test-First Development using Mocha, React, Redux and Immutable
- Build a Twitter Stream with React and Node
- Build A Simple Medium Clone using React.js and Node.js
- Integrate MailChimp in JS
- Build A Chrome Extension with React + Parcel
- Build A ToDo App With React Native
- Make a Chat Application
- Create a News App with React Native
- Learn Webpack For React
- Testing React App With Puppeteer and Jest
- Build Your Own React Boilerplate
- Code The Game Of Life With React
- A Basic React+Redux Introductory Tutorial
- Build an Appointment Scheduler
- Build A Chat App with Sentiment Analysis
- Build A Full Stack Web Application Setup
- Create Todoist clone with React and Firebase
- Build A Random Quote Machine
- React Phone E-Commerce Project(video)
Build an offline-capable Hacker News client with Angular 2+
Build a Google+ clone with Django and AngularJS (Angular 1.x)
Build A Beautiful Real World App with Angular 8 :
ToDo App with Angular 5
- Build a real-time Markdown Editor with NodeJS
- Test-Driven Development with Node, Postgres and Knex
- Write a Twitter Bot in Node.js
- Build A Simple Search Bot in 30 minutes
- Build A Job Scraping Web App
- Building a GitHub App
- How to build your own Uber-for-X App using JavaScript, Node.JS, MongoDB and Web Sockets
- Vue 2 + Firebase: How to build a Vue app with Firebase authentication system in 15 minutes
- Vue.js Application Tutorial โ Creating a Simple Budgeting App with Vue
- Build a Blog with Vue, GraphQL and Apollo
- Build a full stack web application using MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node) stack
- Vue.js To-Do List Tutorial (video)
- Vue 2 + Pub/Sub: Build a peer to peer multi-user platform for games
- Build a Progressive Web Application (PWA)
- Build A Native Desktop App with JS
- Build a Powerful API with NodeJs,GraphQL and Hapi
- Make 2D Breakout Game using Phaser
- Make Flappy Bird in HTML5 and JavaScript with Phaser
- How to Build a Web Framework in Less Than 20 Lines of Code
- Build Yourself a Redux
- How to write your own Virtual DOM
- Build A Realtime Serverless GraphQL API with WebSockets on AWS
- BYTEPATH: Creation of a Complete Game with Lua and LรVE
- Part 0: Introduction
- Part 1: Game Loop
- Part 2: Libraries
- Part 3: Rooms and Areas
- Part 4: Exercises
- Part 5: Game Basics
- Part 6: Player Basics
- Part 7: Player Stats and Attacks
- Part 8: Enemies
- Part 9: Director and Gameplay Loop
- Part 10: Coding Practices
- Part 11: Passives
- Part 12: More Passives
- Part 13: Skill Tree
- Part 14: Console
- Part 15: Final
- Mining Twitter Data with Python
- Scrape a Website with Scrapy and MongoDB
- How To Scrape With Python and Selenium WebDriver
- Which Movie Should I Watch using BeautifulSoup
- Build a Microblog with Flask
- Create a Blog Web App In Django
- Choose Your Own Adventure Presentations
- Build a Todo List with Flask and RethinkDB
- Build a Todo List with Django and Test-Driven Development
- Build a RESTful Microservice in Python
- Microservices with Docker, Flask, and React
- Build A Simple Web App With Flask
- Create A Django API in under 20 minutes
- Build a Community-driven delivery application with Django, Postgres and JavaScript
- Realtime Chat application with Vue, django-notifs, RabbitMQ and uWSGI
- Build a Reddit Bot
- How to Make a Reddit Bot - YouTube (video)
- Build a Facebook Messenger Bot
- Making a Reddit + Facebook Messenger Bot
- How To Create a Telegram Bot Using Python
- Create a Twitter Bot In Python
- Learn Python For Data Science by Doing Several Projects (video):
- Write Linear Regression From Scratch in Python (video)
- Step-By-Step Machine Learning In Python
- Predict Quality Of Wine
- Solving A Fruits Classification Problem
- Learn Unsupervised Learning with Python
- Build Your Own Neural Net from Scratch in Python
- Linear Regression in Python without sklearn
- Multivariate Linear Regression without sklearn
- Music Recommender using KNN
- Find Similar Quora Questions-
- Detecting Fake News with Python and Machine Learning
- Build A Document Scanner
- Build A Face Detector using OpenCV and Deep Learning
- Build fastest custom object Detection system yusing YOLOv3(video playlist)
- Build a Face Recognition System using OpenCV, Python and Deep Learning
- Detect The Salient Features in an Image
- Build A Barcode Scanner
- Learn Face Clustering with Python
- Object Tracking with Camshift
- Semantic Segmentation with OpenCV and Deep Learning
- Text Detection in Images and Videos
- People Counter using OpenCV
- Tracking Multiple Objects with OpenCV
- Neural Style Transfer with OpenCV
- OpenCV OCR and Text Recognition
- Text Skew Correction Tutorial
- Facial Landmark Detection Tutorial
- Object Detection using Mask-R-CNN
- Automatic Target Detection Tutorial
- EigenFaces using OpenCV
- Faster(5-point) Facial Landmark Detection Tutorial
- Hand Keypoint Detection
- Dlib Correlation Object Tracking -
- Image Stitching with OpenCV and Python
- Instance Segmentation with OpenCV
- Face mask detector
- Using Convolutional Neural Nets to Detect Facial Keypoints
- Generate an Average Face using Python and OpenCV
- Break A Captcha System using CNNs
- Use pre-trained Inception model to provide image predictions
- Create your first CNN
- Build A Facial Recognition Pipeline
- Build An Image Caption Generator
- Make your Own Face Recognition System
- Train a Language Detection AI in 20 minutes
- Object Detection With Neural Networks
- Learn Twitter Sentiment Analysis -
- Part I - Data Cleaning
- Part II - EDA, Data Visualisation
- Part III - Zipf's Law, Data Visualisation
- Part IV - Feature Extraction(count vectoriser)
- Part V - Feature Extraction(Tfidf vectoriser)
- Part VI - Doc2Vec
- Part VII - Phrase Modeling + Doc2Vec
- Part VIII - Dimensionality Reduction
- Part IX - Neural Nets with Tfdif vectors
- Part X - Neural Nets with word2vec/doc2vec
- Part XI - CNN with Word2Vec
- Use Transfer Learning for custom image classification
- Learn to Code a simple Neural Network in 11 lines of Python
- Build a Neural Network using Gradient Descent Approach
- Train a Keras Model To Generate Colors
- Get Started with Keras on a Custom Dataset
- Use EigenFaces and FisherFaces on Faces94 dataset
- Kaggle MNIST Digit Recognizer Tutorial
- Fashion MNIST tutorial with tf.keras
- CNN using Keras to automatically classify root health
- Keras vs Tensorflow
- Deep Learning and Medical Image Analysis for Malaria Detection
- Transfer Learning for Image Classification using Keras
- Code a Smile Classifier using CNNS in Python
- Natural Language Processing using scikit-learn
- Code a Taylor Swift Lyrics Generator
- Mask detection using PyTorch Lightning
- Build a Simple Interpreter
- Build a Simple Blockchain in Python
- Write a NoSQL Database in Python
- Building a Gas Pump Scanner with OpenCV/Python/iOS
- Build a Distributed Streaming System with Python and Kafka
- Writing a basic x86-64 JIT compiler from scratch in stock Python
- Making a low level (Linux) debugger
- Implementing a Search Engine
- Build the Game of Life
- Create terminal ASCII art
- Write a Tic-Tac-Toe AI
- Create photomosaic art
- Build the game "Snake" in the terminal
- Write yourself a Git
- A Python implementation of a Python bytecode runner
- Create a Voice assistant using Python
- Create a Real Time Chat App with Golang, Angular 2, and WebSocket
- Building Go Web Applications and Microservices Using Gin
- How to Use Godog for Behavior-driven Development in Go
- Building Blockchain in Go
- Building a container from scratch in Go - Liz Rice (Microscaling Systems)(video)
- Build Web Application with GoLang
- Building a Chat Application in Go with ReactJS
- Go WebAssembly Tutorial - Building a Calculator Tutorial
- REST Servers in Go
- Let's build a URL shortener in Go - with Gin & Redis
- Building a TCP Chat in Go(video)
- Building a BitTorrent client from the ground up in Go
- REST API masterclass with Go, PostgreSQL and Docker(video playlist)
in progress
- How To Build A Blog With Laravel (video)
- Make Your Own Blog (in Pure PHP)
- Build A Real Estate Website Example with SilverStripe
- Building Realtime Chat App with Laravel 5.4 and VueJS (video)
- Build A Social Network: Laravel 5 - Youtube (video)
- Build a full-featured multi-tenant app with Laravel
- Build a Laravel CRUD Application From Scratch
- Build a Network Stack with Ruby
- Build your own Redis
- Rebuilding Git in Ruby
- The Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Build Instagram From Scratch with Ruby on Rails
- Build a Social Network using Rails
- How To Build a Ruby on Rails Application
- Write You a Haskell - Build a modern functional compiler
- Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 hours
- Write You A Scheme, Version 2
- Roll Your Own IRC Bot
- Making Movie Monad
- Making a Website with Haskell (outdated)
- A Simple Web App in Rust
- Write an OS in pure Rust
- Build a browser engine in Rust
- Write a Microservice in Rust
- Learning Rust with Too Many Linked Lists
- Rust in Detail: Writing Scalable Chat Service from Scratch
- Writing a Rust Roguelike for the Desktop and the Web
- Single Page Applications using Rust
- Writing NES Emulator in Rust
- Create a simulation of evolution using neural network and genetic algorithm, and compile the application to WebAssembly
500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code !!!
Sr No | Name | Link |
1 | 365 Days Computer Vision Learning | ๐ |
2 | 125+ NLP Language Models Treasure of Transformers | ๐ |
3 | Andrew NG ML notes | ๐ |
4 | 10 Machine Learning Projects on Time Series Forecasting | ๐ |
5 | 20 Deep Learning Projects Solved and Explained with Python | ๐ |
6 | 20 Machine learning Project | ๐ |
7 | 30 Python Project Solved and Explained | ๐ |
8 | Machine learning Course for Free | ๐ |
9 | 5 Web Scraping Projects with Python | ๐ |
10 | 20 Machine Learning Projects on Future Prediction with Python | ๐ |
11 | 4 Chatbot Project With Python | ๐ |
12 | 7 Python Gui project | ๐ |
13 | All Unsupervised learning Projects | ๐ |
14 | 10 Machine learning Projects for Regression Analysis | ๐ |
15 | 10 Machine learning Project for Classification with Python | ๐ |
16 | 6 Sentimental Analysis Projects with python | ๐ |
17 | 4 Recommendations Projects with Python | ๐ |
18 | 20 Deep learning Project with python | ๐ |
19 | 5 COVID19 Projects with Python | ๐ |
20 | 9 Computer Vision Project with python | ๐ |
21 | 8 Neural Network Project with python | ๐ |
22 | 5 Machine learning Project for healthcare | ๐ |
23 | 5 NLP Project with Python | ๐ |
24 | 47 Machine Learning Projects for 2021 | ๐ |
25 | 19 Artificial Intelligence Projects for 2021 | ๐ |
26 | 28 Machine learning Projects for 2021 | ๐ |
27 | 16 Data Science Projects with Source Code for 2021 | ๐ |
28 | 23 Deep learning Projects with Source Code for 2021 | ๐ |
29 | 25 Computer Vision Projects with Source Code for 2021 | ๐ |
30 | 23 Iot Projects with Source Code for 2021 | ๐ |
31 | 27 Django Projects with Source Code for 2021 | ๐ |
32 | 37 Python Fun Projects with Code for 2021 | ๐ |
33 | 500 + Top Deep learning Codes | ๐ |
34 | 500 + Machine learning Codes | ๐ |
35 | 20+ Machine Learning Datasets & Project Ideas | ๐ |
36 | 1000+ Computer vision codes | ๐ |
37 | 300 + Industry wise Real world projects with code | ๐ |
38 | 1000 + Python Project Codes | ๐ |
39 | 363 + NLP Project with Code | ๐ |
40 | 50 + Code ML Models (For iOS 11) Projects | ๐ |
41 | 360+ Pretrained Model Projects for Image, text, Audio and Video | ๐ |
42 | 50 + Graph Classification Project List | ๐ |
43 | 100 + Sentence Embedding(NLP Resources) | ๐ |
44 | 100 + Production Machine learning Projects | ๐ |
45 | 300 + Machine Learning Resources Collection | ๐ |
46 | 70 + Awesome AI | ๐ |
47 | 150 + Machine learning Project Ideas with code | ๐ |
48 | 100 + AutoML Projects with code | ๐ |
49 | 100 + Machine Learning Model Interpretability Code Frameworks | ๐ |
50 | 120 + Multi Model Machine learning Code Projects | ๐ |
51 | Awesome Chatbot Projects | ๐ |
52 | Awesome ML Demo Project with iOS | ๐ |
53 | 100 + Python based Machine learning Application Projects | ๐ |
54 | 100 + Reproducible Research Projects of ML and DL | ๐ |
55 | 25 + Python Projects | ๐ |
56 | 8 + OpenCV Projects | ๐ |
57 | 1000 + Awesome Deep learning Collection | ๐ |
58 | 200 + Awesome NLP learning Collection | ๐ |
59 | 200 + The Super Duper NLP Repo | ๐ |
60 | 100 + NLP dataset for your Projects | ๐ |
61 | 364 + Machine Learning Projects definition | ๐ |
62 | 300+ Google Earth Engine Jupyter Notebooks to Analyze Geospatial Data | ๐ |
63 | 1000 + Machine learning Projects Information | ๐ |
64. | 11 Computer Vision Projects with code | ๐ |
65. | 13 Computer Vision Projects with Code | ๐ |
66. | 13 Cool Computer Vision GitHub Projects To Inspire You | ๐ |
67. | Open-Source Computer Vision Projects (With Tutorials) | ๐ |
68. | OpenCV Computer Vision Projects with Python | ๐ |
69. | 100 + Computer vision Algorithm Implementation | ๐ |
70. | 80 + Computer vision Learning code | ๐ |
71. | Deep learning Treasure | ๐ |
72 | Data Analysis and Machine learning Projects | ๐ |
73 | AI Projects | ๐ |
74 | Kaggle projects collection | ๐ |
75 | Unique AI projects | ๐ |
76 | Data Science Project Collection | ๐ |
77 | Advance Data Science Projects | ๐ |
78 | Deep and Machine learning Projects | ๐ |
79 | Data Science Projects kaggle | ๐ |
80 | Auto Deep learning Project | ๐ |
81 | 180 Machine learning Project | ๐ |
82 | Amazing Hackthon Project Collection | ๐ |
83 | Awesome NLP Project Ideas | ๐ |
84 | 12 NLP Projects | ๐ |
85 | Advance NLP Projects | ๐ |
86 | 6 Amazing NLP Projects | ๐ |
87 | NLP Beginner Projects | ๐ |
88 | Paper with Code by PwC Collection | ๐ |
89 | SOTA Models(State of the Art Results) | ๐ |
90 | Best AI Papers | ๐ |
91 | Generative Adversarial nets | ๐ |
92 | Computer Vision Paper with Code | ๐ |
93 | NILMS Paper with code | ๐ |
94 | 3D Computer Vision Research Projects | ๐ |
95 | NLP and Computer Vision Project Collection | ๐ |
96 | Udacity Collection of Computer Vision Projects | ๐ |
97 | Zero to Hero Tensorflow Tutorial | ๐ |
98 | Deep learning in Production | ๐ |
99 | GANs Collection | ๐ |
100 | Time Series Projects Code | ๐ |
101 | 12 Machine learning Object Detection | ๐ |
102 | 20 NLP Project with Python | ๐ |
103 | Learning Material for Deep Learning, ML, Computer Vision and NLP | ๐ |
More Projects list is coming...!!! |