is a lightweight package for wrapping and unwrapping solana token.
is a lightweight package for converting Sol to wSol using javaScript or typeScript. The primary goal behind this project is to provide an ergonomic functions for wrapping and unwrapping Sol programmatically.
This in turn allows developers to easily move asset as Sol or wSol using simple functions.
An example is available here:
import { wrapSol, unwrapSol } from 'wrap-sol';
const connection = new Connection(
'https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com', "confirmed"
const PRIVATE_KEY = retrieveEnvVariable('PRIVATE_KEY');
const wallet = getWallet(PRIVATE_KEY);
const signer: Signer = {
publicKey: wallet.publicKey,
secretKey: wallet.secretKey
wrapSol(connection, signer, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL * 0.00001);
unwrapSol(connection, signer);
// helpers
export function getWallet(wallet: string): Keypair {
// most likely someone pasted the private key in binary format
if (wallet.startsWith('[')) {
const raw = new Uint8Array(JSON.parse(wallet))
return Keypair.fromSecretKey(raw);
// most likely someone pasted mnemonic
if (wallet.split(' ').length > 1) {
const seed = mnemonicToSeedSync(wallet, '');
const path = `m/44'/501'/0'/0'`; // we assume it's first path
return Keypair.fromSeed(derivePath(path, seed.toString('hex')).key);
// most likely someone pasted base58 encoded private key
return Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(wallet));
const retrieveEnvVariable = (variableName: string) => {
const variable = process.env[variableName] || '';
if (!variable) {
console.error(`${variableName} is not set`);
return variable;
- Lack of easy to use javaScript/typeScript functions to wrap and unwrap Sol token.
The package is considered generally complete. It is provided as is and is currently under development and should be considered in the alpha stage.
If you found this package useful and want to leave a tip, you can send it to the following address: Fj72ApTUaYEwC3RKCKQ7iX3s8i8CVAnZW1f9PAXSKtbY (solana)