- 支持生命周期感知
- 支持自动清除空闲事件
* 订阅事件(EventFlow)或状态(StateFlow)
* - 对于 [EventFlow],进入 [minState] 开始订阅,脱离 [minState] 取消订阅
* - 对于 [StateFlow],满足 [minState] 时立刻消费,不足 [minState] 时缓存最近的事件待再次进入时消费
fun <T> Flow<T>.observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, minState: Lifecycle.State = Lifecycle.State.STARTED, action: suspend (T) -> Unit)
* 订阅事件,满足 [minState] 时立刻消费,不足 [minState] 时缓存最近的事件待再次进入时消费
* 示例:在A页观察流,然后进入B页发送了事件,回到A页消费事件
fun <T> Flow<T>.observeLatest(owner: LifecycleOwner, minState: Lifecycle.State = Lifecycle.State.STARTED, action: suspend (T) -> Unit)
* 进入 [minState] 开始订阅,脱离 [minState] 取消订阅
* */
fun <T> Flow<T>.observeRepeat(owner: LifecycleOwner, minState: Lifecycle.State = Lifecycle.State.STARTED, action: suspend (T) -> Unit)
data class FooEvent(val value: String)
data class BarEvent(val value: String)
object Global {
val eventFoo = EventFlow<FooEvent>()
val stateCount = MutableStateFlow(0)
Global.stateCount.observe(this) {
binding.state.text = "count = $it"
Global.eventFoo.observeLatest(this) {
log("Global => $it")
EventBus.observe<BarEvent>(this) {
log("EventBus => $it")
binding.fooEvent.setOnClickListener {
Global.eventFoo.tryEmit(FooEvent("clicked in main"))
binding.barEvent.setOnClickListener {
EventBus.emit(BarEvent("clicked in main"))
repositories {
maven { url "https://gitee.com/ezy/repo/raw/cosmo/"}
dependencies {
implementation "me.reezy.cosmo:flowbus:0.9.0"
The Component is open-sourced software licensed under the Apache license.