Currently, the Main contains hardcoded simulation of the Example 1 :
Compile and run with: ./
(make sure you have execute permission w/ chmod +x
processList, messageList and eventList could be converted to List if needed
Event interface pretty ugly atm
new Event(processList[2], Event.Type.SEND, messageList[0]),
better would be sth likenew Event(1, Type.SEND, 1), // new Event(int processId, Type t, int messageId),
or sth -
implement classes properly (vector clock, msg buffer, history...)
implement algorithm logic (splitted between onReceiveEvent and onSendEvent -> look at flowchart)
test if it works correctly (try multiple scenarios)
convert it to distributed system, using RMI
test again
Problems 11/26/2019
- Message should be Message(src, dst, VectorClk) so that we can compare the vectorclk upon delivery. So how shall we change Messages in messageList.Main? example: new Message(3, 1) should be: new Message(3, 1, src.vectorclk)
JUR comments 11/26/2019:
- Process (and all classes) have mostly public fields, bcs it simpler to handle (otherwise you'd need getters and setters) which in our case is overkill/not needed imo.
- I removed numProcesses from Process constructor, bcs I hoped that the new class VectorCLock will handle that (but then couldn't think of how, so maybe we still need it)
- I'm not sure if
onSendEvent(Message m)
will work with RMI. If the Process is on another machine and we pass a reference to an object, will it modify the object on the host machine? We'll see when we play with RMI
JUR comments 12/26:
- Process class now seems more or less finished (structure-wise, SES logic needs to be implemented) TODO:
- delivery test, onDeliver event, check onSend and onReceive (was tired so might contain algorithmic mistakes)
- don't be afraid to mess around, delete, change or do anything with the code -> its yours now :)
- when the algorithm works -> make it RMI=ish, assemble the processList with IDs from RMI, pray.