EARouter is a Simple Request Router, that uses plain Multi-dimensional Arrays of Routes, to handle both Static & Dynamic Routes for PHP based Web Applications & Web Service implementations.
With Composer, run
composer require easeappphp/ea-router:^1.0.8
#Login REST API Route
'rest-login' => [
'route_value' => '/rest/login',
'auth_check_requirements' => 'pre-login',
'page_filename' => 'rest-login.php',
'redirect_to' => '',
'route_type' => 'rest-web-service',
'allowed_request_methods' => ['POST'],
'controller_type' => 'procedural',
'controller_class_name' => \EaseAppPHP\EABlueprint\App\Http\Controllers\ProceduralController::class,
'method_name' => 'webHtmlOutput',
'with_middleware' => '',
'without_middleware' => ''
#My Profile REST API Route
'rest-get-all-user-details' => [
'route_value' => '/rest/all-user-details/get',
'auth_check_requirements' => 'none',
'page_filename' => 'rest-all-user-details-get.php',
'redirect_to' => '',
'route_type' => 'rest-web-service',
'allowed_request_methods' => ['POST'],
'controller_type' => 'oop-mapped',
'controller_class_name' => \EaseAppPHP\EABlueprint\App\Http\Controllers\AllUserDetails\GetController::class,
'method_name' => 'index',
'with_middleware' => '',
'without_middleware' => ''
This software is distributed under the MIT license. Please read LICENSE for information on the software availability and distribution.