This is an explorer for Anchor network which is base on Polkadot / Substrate.
Direct link and gateway are both support by vExplorer. App get entry list for any anchor, default one is "anchor".
Default is ASCII, if declare the code format, will decode by it.
UTF-8 encode process.
//Result: '%E8%99%9A%E6%8B%9F%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C'
//Remove the "%" : 'E8999AE68B9FE4B896E7958C'
//Result: 'e8999ae68b9fe4b896e7958c'
decode process
//Result: 'E8999AE68B9FE4B896E7958C'
//Add the "%" per 2 char : '%E8%99%9A%E6%8B%9F%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C'
//Result: 'e8999ae68b9fe4b896e7958c'