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Column Picker

Ghislain B edited this page Jun 1, 2022 · 1 revision

Column Picker

Enable by default and provides the list of available fields by simply doing a right+click over any column header, you can then hide/show the column(s) you want.

Grid Options

To enable/disable the Column Picker, simply call the enableColumnPicker flag in the Grid Options (enabled by default).

this.gridOptions = {
  enableColumnPicker: true,

  // you can also enable/disable options and also use event for it
  columnPicker: { 
    hideForceFitButton: true, 
    hideSyncResizeButton: true, 
    onColumnsChanged: (e, args) => { 
      console.log('Column selection changed from Column Picker, visible columns: ', args.visibleColumns); 

UI Sample


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