Releases: home-assistant/iOS
2024.12.2 (1048)
What's Changed
- Remove URL path in onboarding to avoid wrong redirect after login by @bgoncal in #3253
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #3252
- Bump 2024.12.1 by @bgoncal in #3254
- Improv database table creation logs by @bgoncal in #3257
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #3256
- Request App Store review after saving watch and carplay configuration by @bgoncal in #3258
- Add option to always fallback to internal URL by @bgoncal in #3260
- Add missing CarPlay-used domains to app database sync by @bgoncal in #3261
- Warning when internal URL requires more permissions before it can be used by @bgoncal in #3267
- Cache config/entity_registry/list_for_display by @bgoncal in #3268
- Add more domains for sensors widget by @bgoncal in #3270
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #3266
- Use correct sensor precision in sensors widget by @bgoncal in #3269
- Bump 2024.12.2 by @bgoncal in #3271
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #3272
- Add new connection error explanation screen by @bgoncal in #3274
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #3273
- Fetch panels instead of subscribe by @bgoncal in #3275
- Fallback to internal URL until location enforcement is communicated c… by @bgoncal in #3276
- Delete old panels from database by @bgoncal in #3277
- Update Open page widget items limit and sensor capitalized state by @bgoncal in #3278
- Avoid unecessary subscription while fetching user avatar by @bgoncal in #3281
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #3280
- Reduce minimum core version for subscription with filter by @bgoncal in #3282
- Improve logs for entities model updater by @bgoncal in #3283
Full Changelog: release/2024.12/2024.1032...release/2024.12.2/2024.1048
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.12 (1032)
What's Changed
- Configure CarPlay quick access items and tabs to display;
- New sensors widget;
- Widgets now support more items;
- The app can now handle downloads (excluding iframes inside frontend);
- New control center control for cover domain;
- Improved performance and battery usage by not subscribing to all entities state changes (Core 2024.11 required);
- Configurable gestures: You can now configure gestures to be used on frontend such as swiping right to go back to previous page;
- iOS Audio output sensor: This sensor can detect AirPlay, bluetooth, CarPlay and more;
- App event log can now be filtered by event type;
- Assist shortcut can now use the pipeline of your choice;
- Several fixes around Apple Watch stability, requirement to confirm before executing legacy iOS Action has been removed, confirmation will stay a feature for the newer watch item types (available on the Watch configuration screen);
- Fix issue where item may be executed from watch twice;
- Avoid deleting server from the App when “unauthorized” error message is received from the server, we now display a message instead;
- Improved barcode scanning for Z-wave devices;
- Fix Assist trigger from lovelace card;
New Contributors
- @mrdarrengriffin made their first contribution in #3074
- @Penait1 made their first contribution in #3079
Full Changelog: release/2024.9.2/2024.881...release/2024.12/2024.1032
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.9.5 (986)
What's Changed
Patch release to setup Improv-BLE devices (Core 2024.12 required)
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.9.2 (881)
What's Changed
- Fix Action widget haptics by @bgoncal in #2940
- Add missing localization keys for AssistInApp intent definition by @bgoncal in #2941
- add charging state sensor for Apple Watch by @yyolk in #2945
- Fix watch empty state and reposition reload button for watchOS 10 by @bgoncal in #2950
- Add ping/pong to keep iPhone activity while processist Assist from watch by @bgoncal in #2951
- Add "Script" iOS 18 ControlWidget by @bgoncal in #2952
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #2954
- Remove import SharedPush from SPM and import it manually by @bgoncal in #2956
- Add assist volume control back to watch by @bgoncal in #2957
- Update CI to use Xcode 16 instead of 16.1 by @bgoncal in #2960
- Improve symbols search and add name to script control widget by @bgoncal in #2961
- Watch configuration improvements by @bgoncal in #2962
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #2959
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #2964
- Fix watch sensors sync by @bgoncal in #2966
- Define dark and tinted variants for some custom icons by @bgoncal in #2967
- Present Assist UI faster when it comes from app extensions by @bgoncal in #2996
- Update GRDB to avoid intermitent crash by @bgoncal in #2997
- Avoid updating database in background by @bgoncal in #3002
- Improv-BLE UX updates by @bgoncal in #3003
- Use cached assist pipelines to speed up starting command by @bgoncal in #3026
New Contributors
- @nickeidler made their first contribution in #2934
- @yyolk made their first contribution in #2945
Full Changelog: release/2024.8/2024.783...release/2024.9.2/2024.881
2024.8 (783)
What's Changed
- Remove old Today's view widget by @bgoncal in #2864
- Fix "Open page" widget not loading options by @bgoncal in #2872
- Fix Open Page widget selection bug by @bgoncal in #2879
- Fallback color in case "app-theme-color" is not provided by frontend by @bgoncal in #2881
- Add Actions custom colors back by @bgoncal in #2880
- Fix watch crash (Realm migration not called) by @bgoncal in #2886
- Use Apple Vision Pro and visionOS instead of iPad as name by @bgoncal in #2893
- Remove unused environment key in WidgetOpenPage by @bgoncal in #2895
- Add location permission sensor by @bgoncal in #2892
- Add App version sensor by @bgoncal in #2896
- Add Apple Watch battery sensor by @bgoncal in #2897
- Use entity category "diagnostic" for App Version by @bgoncal in #2899
- Add "Run Script" AppIntent and Widget by @bgoncal in #2900
- Fix script logic to execute all scripts in shortcuts and only tapped … by @bgoncal in #2907
- Add sharedEventDeviceInfo data into the "tag_scanned" event by @n6ham in #2910
- Retry with activeURL when cloud hook returns 503 by @bgoncal in #2906
- Log event when retrying 503 webhook error by @bgoncal in #2915
- Use mobile web content for iPad and desktop for mac by @bgoncal in #2918
- Workaround to avoid iOS 18 crash widgets that use Realm by @bgoncal in #2919
- Add scripts widget suggestions and avoid requiring confirmation when running several scripts at once by @bgoncal in #2920
- Use app header color for older HA core versions by @bgoncal in #2924
New Contributors
Full Changelog: release/2024.7/2024.730...release/2024.8/2024.783
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.7 (730)
What's Changed
- Align status bar color using same var as front end by @bgoncal in #2827
- Add HA cloud badge to servers by @bgoncal in #2829
- Assist for Apple Watch by @bgoncal in #2825
- Add action widgets, open page widgets, and gauges on the Lock Screen by @literally-anything in #2830
- Add device registry id to assist call by @bgoncal in #2838
- Improvements for Apple Watch Assist by @bgoncal in #2839
- Improve Watch Assist, silence detection and volume control by @bgoncal in #2844
- Add json for "update_widgets" push command by @bgoncal in #2847
- Scout external message handler by @bgoncal in #2849
- Add Improv setup UI by @bgoncal in #2855
- Redesign widgets to align with HA tiles UI by @bgoncal in #2852
- Update widget UI to align with frontend by @bgoncal in #2858
- Allow 2 items in systemSmall widget + update Apple Watch item style by @bgoncal in #2861
New Contributors
- @literally-anything made their first contribution in #2830
Full Changelog: release/2024.6/2024.696...release/2024.7/2024.730
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.6 (696)
What's Changed
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #2798
- Add conversation id to Assist interaction to keep context by @bgoncal in #2805
- Move test classes to test main folder; by @mat1th in #2807
- Remove some deprecated code pointed in #2655; by @mat1th in #2808
Full Changelog: release/2024.5.1/2024.688...release/2024.6/2024.696**Full
Changelog**: release/2024.5/2024.678...release/2024.5.1/2024.688
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.5.1 (688)
What's Changed
- Revert to old actions logic for Apple Watch by @bgoncal in #2784
- Improve pipeline picker on mac UI by @bgoncal in #2789
- Improve Assist logic to make sure it has the correct sample rate by @bgoncal in #2788
- Replace full screen state view by in-row state view while running wat… by @bgoncal in #2787
- Fix Assist audio player audio session setup by @bgoncal in #2795
- Use first server available for Assist when server is not defined by @bgoncal in #2797
Full Changelog: release/2024.5/2024.678...release/2024.5.1/2024.688
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.5 (678)
What's Changed
- Update barcode flag communicated to frontend by @bgoncal in #2703
- Improvements for barcode scanner by @bgoncal in #2704
- Add Assist native UI, widgets and shortcut by @bgoncal in #2697
- Remove "Thread" management for macOS by @bgoncal in #2711
- Rebuild watch home in SwiftUI by @bgoncal in #2708
- Improve Assist widget UI by @bgoncal in #2721
- Specify starscream version in podfile by @bgoncal in #2726
- Upgrade HAKit to 0.4.2 by @bgoncal in #2730
- Add widgets reload button to settings by @bgoncal in #2731
- Fix lock screen widget based on designer feedback by @bgoncal in #2732
- Add button to manually sync server Actions by @bgoncal in #2733
- Show Assist widget before other widgets by @bgoncal in #2735
- Use user agent for all webviews (fixes #2512) by @DaAwesomeP in #2728
- Fix widgets memory issue by @bgoncal in #2741
- Fix Apple Watch display text for actions by @bgoncal in #2747
- Avoid invoking entire realm for action intents by @bgoncal in #2751
- Fix logo missing in "About screen" by @bgoncal in #2755
- Remove "whats new" from mac settings bar by @bgoncal in #2756
- Avoid auto enabling scenes by @bgoncal in #2758
- Keep only necessary webviews alive in the app by @bgoncal in #2749
New Contributors
- @DaAwesomeP made their first contribution in #2728
Full Changelog: release/2024.4/2024.624...release/2024.5/2024.678
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+
2024.4 (624)
What's Changed
- Update Localized Strings by @github-actions in #2665
- Bump app version 2024.4 by @bgoncal in #2668
static var
tostatic let
by @michalsrutek in #2642- Avoid registering material design icons font several times by @bgoncal in #2669
- Revert "Avoid registering material design icons font several times" by @bgoncal in #2686
- Add BuildMaterialDesignIconsFont to codegen build phases by @bgoncal in #2689
- GitHub Actions: Bump the dependencies group with 1 update by @dependabot in #2685
- Avoid register material design icons more than once by @bgoncal in #2690
- Upgrade HAKit to 0.4.1 and remove extra StarScream reference by @bgoncal in #2694
Full Changelog: release/2024.3/2024.608...release/2024.4/2024.624
TestFlight (iOS, macOS) • App Store (iOS, macOS) • iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+