This app provides everything you need to integrate Stripe payments into your Elefant site, including a simple payment button you can embed through the page editor, and helpers for implementing subscriptions and payments into custom applications.
Note that this app is not a shopping cart, but could easily be the basis for building one.
- Additional helpers or examples:
- Cancel subscription
- Metered billing, one-time charges, and per-user pricing
- Responding to failed payments
First, you will need to register for Stripe. This takes less than half an hour, including the banking setup.
Once you're signed up, the easiest way to install the app is:
- Log into Elefant as a site admin
- Go to Tools > Designer > Install App/Theme
- Paste in the following link and click Install:
Alternately, you can run the following from the command line:
cd /path/to/your/site
./elefant install
In the Elefant admin area, go to Tools > Stripe Payments > Settings and enter your publishable and secret keys that Stripe will provide for you. This is where you also set your currency, subscription plans, and other settings.
Log in and edit the page you wish to add the payment button to. In the WYSIWYG editor, click on the Dynamic Objects icon. In the list of Dynamic Objects, you will also find a new "Stripe: Button" option.
You can access the Stripe API, pre-initialized with your Stripe credentials, by first
calling the stripe/init
$stripe = $this->run ('stripe/init');
You now have access to the full Stripe PHP library in your Elefant applications.
From a view template, you can include a payment button via the following tag:
{! stripe/button
to the redirect value will insert the payment ID into the URL at that place.
To create a payment form for site members, run the stripe/payment
handler like this:
echo $this->run ('stripe/payment', array (
'amount' => 1000 // in cents
'description' => 'eBook: Become a master prankster',
'callback' => function ($charge, $payment) {
info ($charge);
info ($payment);
To create a subscription form, run the stripe/payment
handler like this:
echo $this->run ('stripe/payment', array (
'plan' => 'basic',
'callback' => function ($customer, $payment) {
info ($customer);
info ($payment);
The plan name should correspond to a plan you've created in your Stripe dashboard and in your Stripe settings.
After creating the charge via the stripe/button
handler, the app can call a
custom charge handler script that you set in the Stripe Payments settings form.
This script will receive a $data['charge']
parameter which is the Stripe\Charge
object returned from calling $stripe->charges->create()
, which you can then use
to take action on new payments in your app, such as offering a digital file download.
The script will also receive a $data['payment']
parameter which is the
object for the transaction.
To ensure your charge handler is secure, here is a sample script outline:
if (! $this->internal) return $this->error ();
info ($data['charge']);
info ($data['payment']);
Stripe can be configured to send notifications back to your site whenever an event
occurs, such as refunding a payment, or creating a new customer account. You can
set the webhooks handler in the Stripe Payments settings form. This script will
receive a $data['event']
parameter which is the Stripe\Event
object returned
from calling $stripe->events->retrieve()
, which you can then use to take action
on the event that occurred, such as logging activity or disabling accounts after
too many failed billing attempts.
To ensure your webhooks handler is secure, here is a sample script outline:
if (! $this->internal) return $this->error ();
info ($data['event']);
Note that you will also have to set your webhooks handler in your Stripe dashboard. Set it to the following URL (adjusted for your own domain):