Bridge ObjectiveC and Swift classes and structs with JavaScript using JXKit
Browse the API Documentation.
- JXKit: Cross-platform JavaScript engine[^1]
Formalize threading model.
- We currently assume that there is never concurrent access to a
. - We always evaluate JavaScript - including calling any bridged native code - on the context's calling thread.
- We currently assume that there is never concurrent access to a
Support mode in which all JS executes on a given background queue and hops to another queue for native code.
Support native Actors and perform async calls.
Add JXContext.current for native code called from JS.
Support Swift delegates in JavaScript.
I don't think there's any way to get around requiring the developer to write an implementing of the delegate protocol. But we may be able to give her a simple API with which to invoke the corresponding JS code for each delegate callback. E.g.:
func sender(_ sender: Sender, didSomethingWithResult result: Result) -> Return { return jsDelegate.invoke('senderDidSomethingWithResult', [sender, result]).convey(to: Return.self) }
Consider a SourceKit plugin option to auto-generate Swift bridging code.
Test enhancing and overriding reflected ObjectiveC API with explicit bridging.
Support ObjectiveC trailing
error: NSError**
parameters.- We can detect this from the selector name and type encoding (
is an object pointer) and convert to a throwing function.
- We can detect this from the selector name and type encoding (
Support ObjectiveC delegates in JavaScript.
- We should be able to create the delegate at runtime and call through to the underlying JavaScript code.
Support ObjectiveC trailing blocks in JavaScript.
- ObjectiveC reflection does not give you any information about block signatures. In fact the type encoding is just 'unsupported' (
- ObjectiveC reflection does not give you any information about block signatures. In fact the type encoding is just 'unsupported' (
Consider implementing ObjectiveC reflected API using a JavaScript Proxy rather than writing out a full class definition.
- Proxys do not handle static API well.